Disclosure: I was not financially compensated for this post. I received a sample of the product for review purposes. The opinions are my own, based on my personal experience with the product.
About the Book
Girl meets boy—specifically, knockout senior-paralegal girl Alison Carson meets hotshot Boston lawyer boy Rick Waterman while he is visiting Alison’s beloved hometown of San Francisco on a month-long trial. Girl and boy fall in love. Boy eventually goes back home and promises to call. Boy doesn’t call. Girl experiences heartbreak, plus an actual physical malady as a result of the affair. Girl then finds out about boy’s other girl back home.
Girl wants revenge. Girl secretly gets revenge, but goes too far with it. Boy’s life is wrecked. Girl then feels guilty. Boy finally calls girl and apologizes. Boy and girl fall back in love. That is, until boy starts getting suspicious…
My Thoughts
I am of a mixed mind about this book. There were times that I really loved it and other times I hated it. I really love the plot idea (no I am not thinking anything like that) because I could easily see how a woman could go from love to hate in a matter of minutes. I wished for a different ending but that is a personal thing. All in all this was a good book and I think that hating it (or characters) at times is what makes a book worth reading.
Buy It
You can purchase Like a Woman Scorned at Amazon.
It sounds like a great vacation read. I’ll have to see if I can find it for Kindle…
This sounds like it would be a good read. I like this type of book where there is some suspense and it’s a light quick read. Especially this time of year when I don’t have as much time to read.