I am laying here in bed listening to this thunderstorm rage on outside. These storms have produced tornadoes in places, taken lives, and I can hear trees falling with every big gust of wind. The sound of that storm both scares and amazes me.
However things about it I feel much like that storm. There are moments when a quiet rain is all there is. Almost like the sound of tears silently falling. Then the winds will pick up like anger as it moves through you. Next will be the thunder and lighting. Almost like someone is yelling and hurting so much. Sometimes the thunder shakes the while house. As destructive as these storms are you can’t help but be in awe of them.
When I was little I thought that when it rained it was God crying and thunder meant he was angry. Their have been times when I was so upset and it would rain and I would wonder is God weeping for me? My life has been like a thunderstorm; full of emotion and destruction at times. However with the rain comes new life. The plants and ground need it to survive and maybe be all need a thunderstorm of emotion occasionally to know we are alive. To know that maybe God weeps for us.
I remember as a child when there were thunderstorms my Mom would walk around the house with her holy water and make crosses on every window, I wonder if that’s the reason that I fear thunderstorms..my husband loves them, he’ll sit and just watch the storm pass while I’ll be on the couch just hoping for it to pass fast.
It could be. I remember my mom was always afraid as well but my dad took them in stride.
What a beautiful way to look at thunderstorms. You see new life, new beginnings and wonder in the power of the storm. That is a great way to think. We all have times of major thunderstorms passing through our lives. I think they are just a chance to slow down and look at our life’s and get our priorities in the right order. I love when we get thunderstorms, as long as there is no damage.
For me they are wondrous but also scary. The logical part of me just says we need them.They are a part of the circle of life.
We really don’t have powerful storms in So Cal but I can relate to what you are saying having visited the Midwest during some stormy times. We do have earthquakes which is a whole different story.
I was in a earthquake once. It scared the devil out of me.
I have always loved thunderstorms. They are powerful, sometimes destructive and always, to me, awe inspiring.
They are awe inspiring to me as well.
Storms do rage as emotions sometimes soft and gentle others wild and dangerous.
I could not have said it better myself.
I dont like thunderstorms they scare me as they catch me off guard I would prefer to have the curtins closed where the rest of my family loves ro watch them
I was afraid of thunderstorms as a kid. Now I sometimes welcome a thunderstorm to clean the pollution out of the air for a moment and love the smell after the storm. As long as I am inside the home, I feel safe but if there is a storm when I am driving, it is a bit nerve wracking as I had a friend whose vehicle was hit by lightening during a storm and blew all of the windows out of a vehicle.