For those of you who have been with us for a while you already know how much we love apps for kids! We are fairly picky about our apps those and only write about those that are the best! That is why we were thrilled when we got a chance to review the newest, Little Luna- Big Talent. This is an interactive storybook app with games and more which means the twins can be entertained for a while.
There are a few things to love with Little Luna-Big Talent the first being there are no in-app purchases. As a parents I hate these! The reason is the kids will hit buy without a second thought and before you know I have $100 in app purchases that I didn’t want or need. Rant Over! The second thing to love is that this app in designed with preschoolers and elementary aged children in mind. It is perfect for them and with a timer I can monitor the time they spend on the app. The narration in also available in English, Mandarin Chinese, and German. Sadly no Spanish or French but maybe that will come along later in an update.
Little Luna is a bombardier beetle who along with her family share a special talent: Tooting! I had no idea what it was or even what a bombardier beetle was, in fact I had to look it up. So I learned a few things from this app as well. Bombardier beetles normally use tooting as a defense mechanism in the wild. However Luna and her family use it as a way to express themselves. The app takes you through as Luna introduces each of her family members and the unique ways in which they utilize their talents. The navigation is wonderful and I simple love Luna! She is just so cute and the music in the app is great. Of course the app itself looks amazing which all the vivid colors. The twins love it!
Get Little Luna-Big Talent
Learn more about Little Luna-Big Talent and get the app on iTunes for only $2.99! Trust me it is totally worth it!!
Thanks so much for sharing your review with us.I to am very weary about what my children play.I was allowing my child to pick out apps on her own and then found out later that some of those apps were dangerous.I love that they can learn and have fun with this app and that we can change the time setting for when they grow.Thanks so much.