As you all know I love books and I love doing book reviews. As much as I enjoy reading and reviewing adult books there is some sense of joy that goes into reviewing children’s books. Somehow I am always transported to my childhood and feel happiness. Little One Books helps you help your child learn to love reading. They have a wonderful selection of books, music, and videos for children from birth to age five. One of the great things is that one of their team of professionals has personally reviews and selected each and every item they carry and you are provided with “Why We Chose” information for every product. I am so thrilled to of had the chance to work with such a wonderful company and know where I will be getting all of my children’s book from now on.
Little One Books sent me Bebé Goes Shopping by: Susan Middleton Elya. Bebé goes to the market with his mother and what a huge market it is. While there is learns all about the supermercado (market), dulce (sweet), and more. what I love about this vibrantly illustrated book (Illustrated by: Steven Salerno) is that it combines both English and Spanish together. It helps me with my Spanish and allows either Edgar or I to be able to read it to our children. Th back of the book has a glossary so you can learn how to pronoun the Spanish words and what each one of them means. I have to give this little book my highest rating of a MUST READ.
Little One Books is one of those companies I just love. You know the kind that really cares. That is such a rare thing in business today. They sent me this great FREE CD as well. It’s called Candlelight Dinner and I must say I really enjoyed it. It is all piano music and very soothing. Perfect for those romantic dinners or just as a way to calm down the kids.
{PROS} Little One books has a great assortment of books, CDs, and videos for your children that i know you will love.
{CONS} Having your children love to read is never a bad thing.
{SHOP} Shop Little One Books
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ENDS August 12, 2011
I like the baby animals book.
hisprincess886 at yahoo dot com
Little One Books sent me and I am now following your blog!
Jenny Lee Sulpizio
Author of "Mommy Whispers"
My fave is Jamberry by Bruce Degan
tanyainjville at yahoo dot com