Disclosure: I was not financially compensated for this post. I received a sample of the product for review purposes. The opinions are my own, based on my personal experience with the product.
I have grey hair! That is right I am only 37 and I have grey hair. When I turned 25 my hair began to turn grey (thanks mom!) and I have had to dye it ever since. I have tried just about every hair dye out there and I had paid out the butt for salon services. When I discovered eSalon I knew it was something I wanted to try out.
eSalon is an online hair color subscription service (although you can order one time for $24.95.) They have colorist who can create a custom color for you as well. I like that this is a subscription service because I know that when it is time to recolor my dye will arrive without me having to go find the right color.
Getting started is easy, you answer some questions in a survey. Questions such as your eye color, when you dyed last, etc. They have a model with the hair color you choose. At the end you upload a picture of yourself and then place your order. A colorist will look at your picture and survey and then let you know if your color is right for you. They told me the chocolate color I ordered was not a match and created me a custom color that would blend better for me. Now if they do that and you don’t like the color they will replace it with the color you first selected.
Once I received my color I began. I received some other tools as well such as a paint brush, two pairs of gloves, a stain guard, a stain remover, and conditioner. I love that they gave me a stain guard. They must know that I am messy. I have never brushed my color on so that is what I did with this one.
As you can see I now have beautiful color that covered all the grey and I am looking amazingly fabulous!
I did get this twice, and liked it. It seemed like the things they sent with the kit to apply it were definitely a step up. The color I wound up with looks very similar to the one you got. I’m glad you liked yours Rita. *And I too was an early bloomer on the grays (thanks brain cancer in a child induced stress).
I’m over 40 and I have lots of grey hair, I’m so nervous about dying my hair, power to the woman you do because I’m not sure I’ll ever be able to do that to my hair
I have done only a handful of colorings because of the strong smell…I am very chemical sensitive. I love the color you ended with . It seems like they add a few extras than other sets do, like the stain remover and stain guard. (Ive’ had orangey skin by my neck for a week after and also some temple stains. hate that! I started greying about age 30 and increasing more each year.
My wife uses Naturtint. It’s a natural hair dye, so it doesn’t have all those unwanted chemicals. It seems to work very well for her.
You really have a pretty shade of hair! I am not seeing the gray at all, but if you see it thats all that matters. It looks like aan easy process to do, and the end result is pretty.
It looks great! So glad that you found something you love and helped to cover the grey! I do a home highlight right now to blend mine. Root touch-ups are just too hard. I can get my hubby to help pull me through a cap, but not sure if I trust him with all over hair coloring. Have heard good things about eSalon. BTW ~ so jealous of your long hair!
I am blessed to have a mom that is a hairdresser so I don’t have to pay to get my hair colored which is really a great thing because I have a ton of gray hair.
My sister had greys in high school but she has darker hair. Since mine is blonder, it doesn’t show as much. I do my own too and many times get a freebie coupon from Sally’s Beauty Supply to try their color gel. I mix the developer and color–it’s more affordable but what I’m using now was free! I’ll take a look at this though!
This seems like a great way to go. It looks like it did a great job covering the greys. I used to dye my hair when it was long. What a time consuming pain. Once I went with short hair I just gave it up. I have had grey hairs since my early 20’s.
That does look nice! I’ve never colored my hair myself, but this sounds fairly doable. Finding the time to fit in a salon appointment is so difficult some months, so it would be nice to do touchups at home.