Love by definition is to have an intense feeling of deep affection. This definition is based on feeling, but love as God designed it is a decision, it is an action word. It is not an emotion or feeling that you decide to embrace or push away but love is the foundation of our lives as Christians and the basis of our relationships through Christ Jesus. The scripture tells us exactly how to love each other. If we carried these instructions with us every day and practiced them on everyone we encountered, we would change the world!
Be Kind
Kindness is showing care and compassion for those around us. In a world full of rushed, hurried people, we should take a moment to be kind to someone else. Just take a moment and think about the different ways you can show kindness to the people in your life. Start with your family and make kindness a way of life in your household. Teach your children at a young age what it means to think about others and how to show compassion to others.
Show Patience
Another part of loving others is to be patient with them. I often struggled with patience, I want things done quickly and the way I want them done. God has helped me to see myself when I am being impatient and when I need to slow down, and stop rushing. Life was not intended to be a rat race and when you rush things, especially when others are involved, you will only do more harm than good. Most likely unnecessary mistakes will be made and the outcome will not be the one you desired. So, take a deep breath and allow Christ to help you embrace patience and impart it upon yourself and others.
Give Respect
Love is also demonstrated by showing honor to others. Giving people around you respect and honor gives glory to God. Your actions and words really express who you are inside and you build people up when you show respect and honor. There are times in anger that it is hard to show honor, but it is in those times that we truly show love the way God intended. This is exactly what happens when we curb our tongue and speak life and positive things into another person. There’s a reason the Golden Rule is called named what it is. When we treat others the way we would like to be treated it pays off for everyone involved.
Love is an action, not a feeling or emotion and when we get the true understanding of how God intended us to interact and love each other, we will start to change the world one person at a time.
So well written, you explain it so well, love is everything, if you don’t have it then how can you exist, you need it to grow, to mature.
This really convicted me (in a kind way) and is something I needed to hear today. I have been really angry with someone lately and I haven’t been patient, kind, or loving. In fact, I’ve had a sharp tongue and I regret it every single time the words come out of my mouth. Thanks for posting.
Beautifully written, Rita. It’s nice to be reminded what love is. Something God has given us to share with others. Thank you for this and God bless.
Diana C
This is a wonderful post!! You have done an amazing job of reminding us what we should all try to live our lives by, we need to show all these things to others. I think we all forget that our actions affect others and ourselves.
Thank you for sharing this!!
Very well written. Sometimes to really know something, you have to have it spelled out for you.
This is a great article to read at the start of a new week to really remind you what to focus on. I am thankful that I have the patience that I do but there is always room to improve.
Very true! I remind my almost 13 year old son quite often to be kind, patient and respectful…especially to his younger brother. We’re always working on that.
I believe love is kindness no matter what. Respect & patience is so important in understanding what love it. I am trying to teach my son to be nice to his sister, as I have been struggling with him with this purpose. I have no idea why he is so mean to her since she is so nice to him no matter how mean he is to her. I am not sure if it’s jealously or what. But I tell him he must love his sister, protect her, be a good role model to her. I hope he gets it soon, cause I just don’t understand since we give the same amount of love to each of them.
I agree SO much with this post!!! Love, kind, respect, faith!