We all have been there, you need a little extra space in your jeans when you button (happens to me when I go out and eat) or Lord forbid when the zipper comes down. I have had that happen at moments when I could have just died. Well Kevel has a solution that is small but packs a huge punch and allows you to love your jeans again.
The Kevel Fly Tie was inspired years ago by a fairly common problem: How to preserve a favorite pair of jeans. Rachel Kearl, Kevel’s founder, began working on a fix for the faulty fly. She ran through a number of development cycles, until a modified hair band qualified as the first prototype. The original prototype, which stretched out quickly and eventually would break, was transformed into the reliable, durable, discrete Kevel Fly Tie it is today
I was sent several items to review, all of which was simply wonderful! The Fly Tie is the one product I really needed. I don’t what the deal is but the zippers on my pants just don’t want to stay up. I have no idea why but there it is. This handy little tie helps me keep from showing the world what color my undies are.
The Prefect Fit allows me to have that little extra room when I have an inch or two to lose or on those occasions when I eat way more than I should. The Mommy works like the Perfect Fit in that it gives a little extra room. You know for those moments when you just can’t seem to get your pants zipped up and buttoned all the way.
All of the Kevel products are simply wonderful. In fact I carry them in my bag now at all times just in case there is a moment when I need one or even for someone else. You just never know!
this is a great idea and a great product. i will have to get some of these for my jeans.
That’s a smart invention. I bet that would come in handy for a lot of people.
thats clever!!! its one of those why didnt i think of that type of things…i have a few jeans i could use this for
This is an amazing idea. I feel like whenever I go on road trips and wear jeans I need this… half way through the trip I always feel like my jeans are too tight.
What a cool product! I could definitely have used this when I was pregnant. It took me the longest time to find a pair of maternity jeans I liked and I went for several weeks without being able to wear jeans! 🙁
I’ve had those jeans that have zippers that just won’t stay up. They are usually missing a piece in the back of the zipper holder that “locks” it in place. Annoying!!
Thanks for showing us this. Lots of love!!
This is a great little gadget to have in your back of tricks. I could have used this before many a times.
Hey that is nifty! I would so use this and keep a spare in my bag too! My favorite pair of jeans has a zipper issue and I am afraid to try and replace the zipper on my own and too cheap to have it fixed or buy a new pair! but this I would use!