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I am a big fan of probiotics! If you aren’t sure what they are let me tell you. Probiotics are actually live bacteria and yeasts that are really good for your health. Sounds gross when you hear it like that I know. I was lucky enough to get asked to be an ambassador for LoveBug Probiotics which I jumped at. In fact I saw a video recently that talked about how great probiotics are for you. I would share it with you but it was one of those where you have to sit through their spiel before they get to the information and I wouldn’t do that you all. What I came away from it with was that I needed to add better probiotics into my lifestyle.
That is true! There are so many different probiotics and companies out there how in the world do you know which is the right one. The truth is you don’t. All you can really do is your research and find the best one out there for you. Founder Ashley Harris and her husband started LoveBug Probiotics when Ashley and their started getting sick. What they discovered was that they had an imbalance in their gut bacteria. Remember I said I watched a video recently?
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In the video one of the things they said was that most people have an imbalance in their gut bacteria and they just didn’t know it. My reason for liking LoveBug Probiotics is that they have been their. They aren’t making a product that they themselves don’t bother using. I hate when companies talk about products and how great they are but don’t bother using them at all.
Here’s the Skinny is for your digestive health. I don’t know about all of you but I have serious gut issues that I am almost too embarrassed to even begin to share. I don’t always eat right which is part of the problem. This has probiotics that are designed to restore our gut health. They do that by repopulating the microbiome (whatever the heck all of that is) with beneficial bacteria. Okay enough big words I don’t understand! The skinny is this…. it works! I have been using it for a little while and I have noticed things begin to be a little more regular if you know what what I mean. Now does it help with weight loss? I can’t say for sure. I have lost a couple of pounds but I don’t know if it from things beginning to even out or what so I won’t say for 100% sure.
It could be truer that Colds Suck and these probiotics help give your immunity the boost that it needs. If your immunity is up to par your body can naturally fight a cold more effectively. Since it is the summer we haven’t had a cold as of yet so I can’t honestly tell you if this works or not. I won’t know for certain until cold season gets here and then all I can do is tell you if I think it works for us. I have been taking it and haven’t been sick but I’m normally sick much in the summer months. This is enhanced with ZINC, ECHINACEA AND VITAMIN C and I can tell you that I do take those when I get a cold in an effort to help my body fight it.
Yeast is a Beast is perfect for women’s health. You ladies out there know why too! I mean the least thing get out of wack in your lady parts and hello UTI or yeast infection or heaven only knows what else. This has a blend of (here comes some more big words that make me sound super smart) five Lactobacillus probiotic strains. They help lower the pH of your lady area by making a little acidic which will discourage the growth of bad bacteria. Add in some Cran-GynTM(Cranberry Extract)and your urinary tract will thank you. The truth is this seems to work. I have had UTIs in the past but haven’t had one in a while. I take this everyday and while I have no sort of proof that it is the reason everything there seems to be in working order I know that my doctor told me that things seem healthier there.
I really like to different blends for different issues. I do think probiotics help. My daughters take a chewable probiotic through fall and winter and it really seems to minimize the colds and other sicknesses. I will definitely take a closer look at this brand!