Showing the love of Christ to others is important as we go about sharing the good news and gospel of Jesus Christ.
When we love others as ourselves, we are showing them what being a Christian is about. You can speak all day long, but if your actions are not loving, kind, and compassionate, no one will listen to you too long. Your words and actions must be consistent. Loving others as yourself requires you to think of each person you meet as just as important in your life as you are, caring for them as much as you care about your own wellbeing, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. This type of love not only shares everything it has but looks for ways to uplift and encourage.
Think about how different our schools, churches, and neighborhoods would be if we all practiced loving each other as we love ourselves. Love like this looks at every person as essential to their life in Christ. We should look for ways to not only improve our own situation, but that of others around us.
Missionary work is an example of loving others as yourself. Missionaries go out and live in sometimes uncomfortable conditions to show others the love of Christ. They give unselfishly toward building the faith of people all around the world.
What practical ways can you love your neighbor as yourself during your daily routine?
Just as you pray for yourself, you can also pray for them. Prayer changes things and when you pray for someone even if they are not aware of it, you are showing the love of God. If you see an area of their life that needs prayer, go ahead and ask the Father to move on their behalf.
Showing compassion for others is also important. The compassion you show to others is your testimony. Your actions are showing others what you believe and that you love others and are willing to help.
Loving yourself, your neighbor, and God also brings balance into your life. We can get so caught up in thinking about our needs that we forget about others. It is when we take our focus off of ourselves and give God all the praise and honor and start looking for ways to help others that change starts to happen in our life. You will find a peace in your heart because you are actively loving yourself, others, and God.
A great reminder! I am not perfect at this, but God has really convicted me this year. I am part of a Women’s ministry and there was a women who came and kind of bothered me. She was rude, and just not my cup of tea. I prayed for God to work in my heart, 9 months later I consider her a dear friend. And God is doing amazing things in her life now. It wasn’t easy for me to be nice to her, but sometimes when people deserve kindness the least, they need it the most.
I am so glad that God worked in you. It can difficult at the best of times and all we can really do is try.
I live by this daily and have passed this on to my girls; be loving and patient with others
I am sure that your girls are super patient and loving.
This is a wonderful post. I have tried to raise my children to be thoughtful of others. I always tell them “Treat others as you would like to be treated.” That’s one of the things I try to live my life by. I know there are times I need work, I just have to reach for that goal daily.
Treat others as you would like to be treated, a powerful message indeed!
When you mentioned how different our schools, churches, and neighborhoods would be if we all loved others as we love ourselves, I thought wow how right and true this is. You really never know how kindness could go a long way for someone having a bad day.
Amen. It is so easy to encapsulate yourself in your own life and worries. When this happens, you really lose opportunities to connect with others, and spread kindness and good feeling. I made what I thought was a small gesture to a new friend recently and was so moved by her response. It really made a difference.
I look at this and I see you, Rita. You’re encouraging to others, a shoulder to lean on and someone to talk to and get all of your rants out with. I see everyday how much you care for others. You have been such an inspiration to me, and I try to share with others what you give to me everyday.
That very last sentence is truly amazing and touches my heart. A message that should be shared with everyone.