I love a planner! I spent some time using google calendar but it just didn’t give me what I needed. So I went on a search for a new planner. One that would give me the ability to check things off my list and maybe a little more. I saw Hopefuel planners on Instagram, clicked the link and fell in love. There was something about the planner that I knew would work for me.

I knew I wanted to be able to track my bible study along with my work schedule. Hopefuel is a Christian planner that allows me to do that. It doesn’t leave heavily towards any religion. It is flexible enough that the fact that I’m Catholic doesn’t change it.
“Hope Fueled” is a simple way of saying “the Spirit of God lives in me and I surrender my plans to his promised faithfulness.
-Hopefuel website
This wonderful little planner does just that. There is so much to say about this planner and I want y’all to love it as much as I do. I received the Hopefuel Weekly Planner to review. This is a full twelve month undated planner. It is 9” x 8” inches (including coil), has 74lb white paper with gold coil wire binding. The cover is a linen wrapped hard one.They do have a daily planner but it is only good for six months.

When you open the the cover you have an inside pocket as well as gold foil month stickers for the tabs. This will allow you to start your planner whenever you wish. I started mine this month.

Next up are some information pages that share how the planner came about as well as how to use the planner. These are must reads in my opinion. It will help you get ready to use your planner.

The Your Year and Write pages are spaces for you to write your why in. Of course you can use them any which way you wish to.

I printed a bible study plan onto sticker paper and stuck over the year section. I can check off each book of the bible as I read it. It is just another way to keep myself organized.

At the beginning of each month you have a scripture quote and the month tab page. The tab page is blank with lines on each side for you to write whatever you want.

The beginning of each month also gives you space to write out your monthly devotion, projects, and notes. I haven’t done these pages for the upcoming months yet but I will sit down this weekend and work on those.

The month sticker at the top of each Monthly Spread I ordered from Etsy. I should have found slightly larger ones but these are great. I also got the monthly numbers from there as well.

The next two pages are for you planning. You have devotion, confess, praise, and prayers on one side. The other side is blank for just notes. You also get these two pages at the end of each week. That is where I use them the most. The notes section just after the monthly spread I use more.

As you can see above this is how the end of week looks. I take the time at the beginning of the week to write in the scripture I will be reading and any prayers. Then at the end of the week I do the Confess and Praise sections. Notes can be anything from notes I need to remember or a list of books I need to read for the next week.

Now you have you weekly spread. It’s two pages with Saturday and Sunday stacked on top of one another. At the bottom you have your water tracker and a reminder about working out. On the left bottom is a space for those to remember in prayer and those you need to reach out to. Ont he right page at the bottom you devotion habits.

I began by writing my week in like you see above. It was nice and neat and I use different color pens for each thing I need to do.

Then I discovered these teacher planner subject printable stickers on Etsy. I can type in what ever I wanted, change the colors, and other things. They work well for the things I do every day or every week. It saves my poor hands so writing. Then I again use the different color pens for the different tasks.
For those interested I found some bible study pens and highlighters on Amazon. I use those because they don’t bleed through. That being said this paper is pretty thick so there shouldn’t be much bleed through.

I am loving this planner so much! There simply are not words for how much. I wasn’t looking for one that would put so much into order for me in the way this one has but I am so thrilled to have ran across Hopefuel. While I still use my google calendar so I always have dates with me and I can share it out with clients the Hopeful planner has put my daily and weekly schedule into perspective. I would truly be lost without it now. I can focus my faith and prayer life while still managing my week.