Inquiring minds want to know! When you get up in the morning do you make you bed or do you leave it messy? Do you just turn the covers up or is it a full blown made and everything in its place sort of made? I know it is not something you probably think about but this morning when I was in the middle of my morning routine I got to thinking.
I make my bed almost every morning before I come out of the bedroom to start the day. It is the last thing I do before I leave the room. I would love to say there is a reason for this but there isn’t really. I just do it because if I don’t then Ma will rush in there and do it then spend the entire day complaining about how I didn’t make my bed. Yeah having your parent living with you is like being treated like you are ten again.
I full out make mine although there are some mornings when I am rushed and the sheets get crooked. I hear about that as well from Drill Sargent Ma! I did say most days though didn’t I? There are a few days,usually the weekends, where I don’t make my bed right away. Rather I come back and make it after I have been up for just a bit. I don’t know why that is but there you have it.
For me I like the idea of everything being neat. I don’t want someone to come over and end up in my bedroom with the bed unmade. I would be embarrassed about it. You earlier I said I didn’t know why but thinking about it I do know why. Growing up we had to make our beds before we left for school and on the weekends. It was just part of keeping the house clean which we always had to do.
In between. I also like for things to be neat, so I pull up and smooth out the comforter and smooth out and place the pillows neatly…but that’s it. Less than a minute. I see no need for a big deal about corners, tucking things in, etc. Better things to do.
Wow – we have similar thoughts on bed-making. On weekdays, I make before I go downstairs. My Mom also lives with us and if I don’t make it; she will. She doesn’t guilt me but I do feel bad if she has to. On weekends, it just depends.
I make my bed most everyday, fully made. I think everything looks nicer with the bed made and I do not like getting in an unmade bed at night.
Hi Rita, Couldn’t find the Sept camera winner. Just got out of the hospital. If it was me, could you please send another email? I have over 500 in inbox and spam:-(. Thank you
I never make mine. no one sees it so I dont feel the need to be extra neat. if my room was somewhere that quest might see I would probably make it
To be honest I am too lazy to make my own bed, unless I have company coming over.
I hate messy, I try to go around and straighten everything, hopefully it doesn’t make me late as I hate that, too!
I usually just pull the covers back up, but I don’t really pay much attention to it. So I guess that puts me in the “messy” category. Story of my life. 😉
My mom lived with us during her last years, and the whole house was cleaner when she was here. She couldn’t get around so she didn’t do any of the housework, but it was somehow easier with her here. Now I just don’t care as much.
I make my bed every morning..I hate the messy look and loathe getting into a bed that hasn’t been made
I tend to get lazy and skip making my bed. At bedtime I end up wishing I had just done it!
I just like it to look neat; so comforter up and pillows on top. That’s enough for me.
I only make mine after I change the sheets, not everyday my kids will mess it up anyway.
Mine is usually made although having cats, if they are laying in bed, I have to wait until they get up. Some days they lay there some days not. So I am a sometimes made.
My husband and I made a rule that the last one out of bed makes it. However, I tend to make it 95% of the time anyway. He likes to leave it messy so he can “crawl right back into it tonight.”
Even if it doesn’t get made until I am ready to crawl into it at night, I need my sheets to be straight and neat so if i haven’t yet made the bed in the morning I will do it at night.
In the past, I wanted everything perfect. As I’ve gotten older, it doesn’t matter as much as it once did. If something doesn’t get done right away, that’s okay. It’s not to say I don’t like a clean home, I do. I guess I’m somewhere between made or messy.
I make my bed everyday because I do not like a messy bed! It really makes me feel better about the whole day. I do not like a messy bedroom.
I am OCD so I make the bed first thing every morning.I can’t stand anything being out of place!