Disclosure: This is part of a sponsored collaboration with Latina Mom Bloggers and State Farm. However, all opinions expressed are my own.
I have been talking to you about safe driving and teens. State Farm’s Celebrate My Drive campaign is all about just that and let’s face it, this is super important. This campaign was created because State Farm believes that encouraging teens and making safety a top priority can be achieved through awareness and commitment to building safe driving habits for teens.
I have made the commitment to drive safely because I don’t want to hurt anyone else out on the road. I can remember being a teen and being the worst driver in the family. I was just so nervous that it made me a horrible driver.
It took some time but now I am much better than I ever was because I pay more attention. Teens have so many things going on now when they get behind the wheel that they don’t always think about safe driving whereas that is all their parents can think about. This week take the time to make the safe driving commitment not only for yourself and your family but for the other drivers on the road.
If you have a teen have them make the commitment with you. Have them commit to not texting and driving, to paying more attention when they are behind the wheel of a car. It may be the the life you save by making this commitment may be your own or one of your children’s lives. Trust me!
I have an aunt whom I was riding with recently. She doesn’t drive that often anymore and I now remember way. She decided to pass a car heading straight for the oncoming car. We were all screaming at her and she said ” I can make it.” She was too distracted and too busy doing other things. We joke she is the poster child for safe driving but it truly is not funny. Her refusal to drive safely and pay attention could cost all of us our lives. That is why we took her keys and hide them from her.
Make Your Safe Driving Commitment Now
Head over to the Celebrate My Drive Facebook page or the Teen Driver Safety website to learn more information and to make your commitment.
My father in law makes me so nervous when he is driving too! He goes soooo slow that it is not safe. He gets really mad when you say something to him about it too. I have heard of this campaign and made sure that we checked it out.
Kids do seem to think they are invincible. I know we have talked with our kids and we also try to lead by example. It is nice also that in our state if kids get caught talking or texting before the age of 18, the loose their license until the age of 18.