It’s hard to believe we might be saying goodbye to winter for another year. And with the arrival of spring, it means we can finally use our beautiful garden again. It means the kids can turn off their video games and get some fresh air for a change. And it also means we can start entertaining people in our garden again. After all, as much as we love inviting them in our home, the lack of space can make for awkward social events. However, before you decide to invite people over, you need to make sure your garden is ready. After all, it might need some updates before it becomes the perfect location for parties. Here are some ways you can make your garden perfect for entertaining this spring.
Give the patio a good clean
If you haven’t been out in your garden much over the winter months, you might have to give everything a good clean before you let visitors over. For one thing, you should give the patio a good wipe down. With the bad weather, it’s likely to have had a battering with sludge and heavy rain causing it to look tired. Therefore, give it a good wipe down so that your paving looks in good nick. Also, replace any slabs that are past their best. Hopefully, you will have some left from when it was originally fitted. Otherwise, head to your local DIY store to find some similar you can use in your garden.
Image from Pixabay
Invest in some new garden furniture
You also need to make sure you have great garden furniture if you are going to have guests over. After all, as much as they can hover around and chat, ultimately they are going to want to sit down. And if you have no seats, it will mean endless trips into the kitchen to fetch your indoor furniture. And then they could potentially get ruined if there is a downpour. Therefore, it’s time to get some new furniture which will be perfect for outdoor use. You might want to get a corner seat which will be perfect for your guests to sit on while sipping a glass of wine. And you should make sure you get a great material which can withstand all weathers. In fact, rattan furniture would be a perfect choice. Not only is it beautiful, but it requires little maintenance so will stay in good nick. And remember to get a great outdoor dining table and chairs for your spring and summer BBQ’s.
Tend to your grass and plants
You don’t want the first thing for your guests to see is overgrown grass and plants which have been ruined in winter. Therefore, now we are headed into spring, it’s time to tend to your garden. Firstly, cut the grass down to a decent level and then make sure to water it so that it’s in good condition. And then it’s time to tend to your plants. Check out which ones need to be replaced so you can remove these quickly. You can then plant some new flowers to ensure your garden looks fantastic.
And remember to get your BBQ ready for the spring months. Give it a good clean and get a new one if it’s not in the best condition.
I badly need some new furniture!
Your set up is beautiful! Quite the little oasis you have goin on there!
I can’t wait for spring to start sprucing things up around here outside. We still have so much snow on the ground but hope it melts away soon.
Spring is still quite a ways away here in the Northeast, but it’s not too soon to start dreaming about it. Those tulips and daffodils look so hopeful–I’m really looking forward to warmer weather and the first plants poking through the ground. And being able to go outside without boots and a coat!
It is still very much winter here. I am dreaming of spring. I am a gardener and cant wait for warm weather too come. We dont have a patio, but I would love to. If we remode, we might do a patio.
It’s finally within reach! Now if I could only handle doing the work…
Great tips I was just looking at new patio furniture too and a new umbrella. It can make such a big difference in how it looks on the patio with a few plants and new chairs with pillows on them too.
I was thinking of a little garden, but I am not so good at growing thigs.