The first time Edgar ever called me Mami I was like “What?” What I discovered is that Mami is not Mommy and never will be. Mami is an endearment that many Latino men use for the women they love.
Once I discovered that I was that I really enjoyed being called that. I was never really one for endearments at all but there was something about the way he said it. I don’t know if I will ever enjoy being called that again or by another man. If he thought I gave him a weird look the first time you all should of seen the looks from my family.
We were cooking and he said “Mami hand me a drink.” I got him one and everyone was looking at me. I told it means sexy(sort of) and who wouldn’t want to be called that. It was funny though because he only used that word a few times when he was talking to me and it was usually around other people. Privately he called me corazon which means heart. He used it as though he was saying sweetheart which was just as wonderful.
I like some endearments. Just not food or baby names. Call me “baby” or “pumpkin” and it rubs me the wrong way.
I understand that lots of random people use endearments in a completely harmless way, and I try not to let it bother me. But for people that know me, I do explain it to them. beautiful, who wouldn’t want to be called Mami once you know the meaning..I love it. My husband calls me so many different names, over the years I’ve been called, chickie, foxy mama,
that is a cute story – and I didn’t realize what Mami really means! I would suppose most people would think it means ‘mommy,’ which isn’t that bad, really, if he did ask “mommy” to get something, in that sometimes dads call their wife that imitating the kids! I don’t think (or recall) anyone calling me Mami, I’m missing out!
I have heard women called Mami by men before and did not really know what it was about.
Nice to have an explanation.
I just mostly call my husband hun sometimes he calls me dear usually not in a good sense.
I love endearments. I love unique ones. I don’t mind if other people are around. They know me and my husband are nuts. 🙂 so they don’t think twice about them.
I like endearments. My husband and I have several for each other. We have been using them since shortly after we got married. They just kind of stuck. We address our greeting cards for different events with one of the names. It has just become a habit.
Thanks for clearing that up!! I have ALWAYS thought that’s what it meant!! I know very little spanish (though I would enjoy learning more)!!