This months Gabby Mom’s review is all about routines and schedules which is something I have a hard time with even though I have OCD. If you think about it every single day of our lives is about a routine and schedule whether you mean for it to be or not. Most of our routines are basic in that we get up, brush our teeth, have breakfast, go work or school (or work at home), have dinner, brush our teeth, and go to bed.
In Managing My Minutes: Do I Really Need To? Lorrie shows us that no matter what our situation is we can all benefit from making and keeping a schedule.You don’t have to have one schedule either you can have one for different days or situations. As the mother of eight children Lorrie has some experience in routines as schedules.
Lorrie’s helps you decide what is best for your family by sharing biblical illustrations and showing you see how the puzzles pieces of your daily schedule and routine can fit nicely together. I learned how important sticking to my schedule is, although I will admit that I haven’t put anything into practice just yet (I’m working on it!) I also learned that there is a difference between routine and schedules and there are times when one is more beneficial than another.Be sure to check out the Eternal Encouragement store where Managing My Minutes is NOW available along with all the other wonderful items available.
** I received this product for free through the Gabby Moms Program however all opinions are 100% my own.**
I learned years ago not to be so locked into schedules that you don’t leave room for some spontaneous fun – that is what the children will remember when they are grown.
I never did have a schedule, even when raising 4 kids. But we did have routines like dinner together and fun times on Saturdays.
We are sorely lacking this in our family and actually, I feel bad that we didn’t teach our youngest 3 the importance of this. Without schedules we seem to have too much procrastination, and with that it just adds stress and chaos to the mix. I MISS the times when time was ours though and our kids sports, school, and other things did not run our lives. We do have routines too and that we do prioritize best we can. But life is hard when you don’t have both and I fear does not teach children to become good learners, friends, and productive and responsible employees someday. We need a CrASh course in this whole thing. For us management blows to the wind when health issues, crisis, kids growing up into new phases of life (jobs, school, dating, etc) changes the direction, so sometimes you have to become less rigid and just go with the flow. Meeting in the middle is probably best?
Wow a mom of 8 children very credible, I’m slightly OCD I say that because I use to be worse before having children but when they came along I learned kids will be kids and you just have to overlook something’s otherwise I was going to make myself crazy. I still have a hard time managing getting everything I want done in a day sometimes I feel like there isn’t enough time in a day
We tend to have more of routines than schedules here. Because we care for animals now, everything is a routine from sun up to sundown. The word schedule for us doesn’t work, we do what we do without much change.And there is always more to do in the day than the 24 hours allotted !
i am a little ocd myself. it is extremely important for children too, when you keep a schedule I have noticed. although every now and then you need to introduce something new into the mix. would love to read this book
I’ve tried to work on my time management years ago, I’m a mess. I’ll be running late to get the kids to school while I’m busy scrubbing every last bit of toothpaste from the sink. hen when I realize I forgot my coffee, instead of leaving it-I have to go back calculating the time-geting it wrong and we’re all late. (and that’s just the 1’s hour of the day-lol) I should give it another try, I hope you have luck with it as you put it into practice!