My home is multi-generational. Not only do the kids and I live there but also my Ma and my uncle. There are some days when there are just too many Indians in the teepee. I am not sure who is always worse either; the kids or the adults.
First there are the arguments or hateful noises about what is being watched on TV. My uncle insists on sleeping on the couch and I swear I think my Ma wants to choke him. Every time she talks he rolls his eyes or something else. All of that I could live with if suddenly my uncle hasn’t decided he wanted to start staying up all night making noises. Victoria and Daniel can sleep through a tornado but the twins. They are another story. I haven’t had a full nights sleep in weeks. Of course they cry which irritates him. They are babies though and when they are woken up they cry.
Sassy, our dog, now has a new schedule thanks to him. She now feels the need to go outside to potty all hours of the night. It used to be that unless she really needed to go she would wait til morning when I got. So what to do? Pulling my hair clearly doesn’t work. I finally put my foot down. It was over something silly but it all had just piled up. My uncle called Ma a liar over something I knew she was right about. However I don’t want the kids picking up those words so I snapped.
Last night was the best nights sleep ever! Sometimes you just have to break.
I’m hopeful that things will change for you, maybe a family meeting is in order before things get so bad that there’s a blow up! Call a family meeting and maybe have a moderator, a frined or someone that you all feel comfortable with hearing what is on everyone’s mind
We have family meetings a couple times a month but my uncle doesn’t participate. Some days I think he likes the chaos.
I love it! It’s nice to know I am not the only one who occasionally snaps and looses it. I know what you mean though. I help my mom with a lot of her doctor appointments, meds, banking and other things. The other night she was here for dinner and started picking a fight with my daughter and I lost it. I told my husband it was like having another child in the house. I think every once in a while we have to lay down the law in order for them to remember to act appropriately.
We do and it makes us feel better when we do.
Crazy story, I have been in that situation of living with family as an adult. It certainly can be tricky when people have different schedules and habits. I’m glad you were able to get a good night’s sleep for once.
It is difficult. It took a long time for things with Ma to gel but now things are great and we have a great system.
That sounds pretty difficult to live with! From your description, it sounds to me like your uncle either needs to follow your wishes and be a more respectful house guest or find another place to live. Easier to say than to implement, I know, but sounds like he needs to wake up. I hope things calm down for you soon.
It sounds awful but there are days when he goes down to my aunt’s that even Ma says “Maybe he will stay the night down there” He typically does stay there once a month when it is time for him to get paid, that’s a whole other post and set of issues!