Disclosure: This is part of a sponsored collaboration with Latina Mom Bloggers and Walgreens. However, all opinions expressed are my own.
As the caregiver of mi mama and mi tio I have had to learn a lot about Medicare and other senior care things. Many of these things were very confusing and I had to muddle my way through all of it. Luckily Walgreens helped me understand the whole Medicare Part D and makes getting my familia’s prescriptions a breeze.
Medicare Part D is coverage for people age 65 and older and only US citizens and residents are eligible. Before switching mi tio to Medicare Part D I had to pay full price for his medications and one of them was $145 a month. The copay that I have managed to save alone was worth the switch. By chance I ended up at our local Walgreens picking up a prescription for my aunt when I saw a sign about Medicare Part D and they were so wonderful to explain it all to me. I came home and made the switch for ma and tio. I haven’t looked back since.
Once I got the Medicare Part D for them and switch to using Walgreens my tio’s copay is now $0 that’s right I was paying $145 a month when I could have been paying nothing. Walgreens lets me order refills online and they even send me alerts when it is time to reorder. I can even get automatic refills for them. Now all of this saves me time and money as the caregiver of my ancianos . If they can do that for me can you imagine what they can do for your family members?
Learn More about Medicare Part D & Walgreens
If you have elderly family members make sure that you tell them about Walgreens and Medicare Part D. Walgreens is here to help you every step of the way and can answer any questions you have. You can learn more about Walgreens from their website and on Facebook. Also there is a great brochure that you can check out.
Let’s Party
Join @LatinaMomBlogs for the “What’s Med D? Twitter Party” on 2/5 from 9-10 pm ET to learn about prescription coverage options. #WalgreensLatino You can RSVP here.
I don’t really know anything about Medicare I guess I don’t think about it yet being in my 40’s. It is nice to know you can get info at Walgreens.
That really is a wonderful service Walgreen’s is providing. I used to write about health and other insurance benefits and my favorite part of the job was writing articles to help people save money and take control of their benefits. Glad you found a way to save money!
I have had to deal with Medicare D stuff for my mother and it’s such a pain. So I know what you are talking about. I didn’t know that Wallgreens also had help. I will have to remember that for next time.
So I went and checked out the brochure that you talked about from Walgreens. In the online brochure it also has information about receiving Extra Help for prescription coverage. There is a link to the governments Medicare page that tells you all about getting Extra Help. Which a lot of seniors could qualify for. I think my mother may be able to qualify for this. Thanks for sharing this great info! You really have helped me out a lot!! Plus your help may save my mother some money!