About the Book:
Merciful of Flush is a collection blogs written over the past 5 years. Sometimes funny, often thought-provoking, and occasionally rude they seek to act as a catalyst for creativity. Details are kept to a minimum so the reader can fill in their own blanks and take from the stories something unique to them. A perfect book for commuters, people in need of a little inspiration and anyone who likes to read on the toilet. A self-help book for those looking to think weirder.
My Thoughts:
Merciful Flush is a collection of essays, anecdotes, and assorted madness. The humor at times is way out there and may be a bit much for some readers. This is certainly one of those books that at time had me rolling with laughter while other times I was cringing. If you like books that are outside of the normal and mainstream then this is the book for you. I like quirky books but this was a bit too quirky for me.