Unaware of the compulsion put upon them by the sleeping spirit of Merlin the Magician, fifteen year old Francis Steele and his four friends explore the subterranean chambers of an old ruin. Lost, they escape through a door to the outside only to find themselves in a new and unbelievable world where mammoths draw gigantic caravans and two great blue moons light up the night sky. Here too are primitive birds – small, sly and intelligent; unicorns and huge fighting beasts; Big Foot is here and a race of Elf-like creatures as well as the descendants of King Arthur’s knights who long ago lost the ideals of chivalry.
Merlin’s Kin by Everett Coles is a fast paced book that is filled with fantasy, treachery, and more. I really enjoyed the book and my son is currently reading it. He loves the world that Everett has created. It reminds me of the Merlin stories of old. I love that Coles answers the question of what happened to King Arthur and the Knights of the Roundtable. They and the generations that followed are living in Merlin’s new world. It is the classic good versus evil story.
This is perfect for kids ages 10-15. Older kids may enjoy it but they may not be into all the fantasy of the book.
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This artlice keeps it real, no doubt.
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