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When I was growing up we moved a lot but thankfully we never had to live in military housing. We always loved off base because military housing and kids wasn’t something that my dad wanted to experience. Each move was always stressful but then there was always the new school. When we finally got to the base my dad would retire from it was such a relief.
There are so many military families with school age kids and there is a large number of those kids that go to public schools ( see the infographic below.) We did because the base we were at had no school because it was such a small base. I remember every year having to bring home paperwork from school for my dad to fill out so the school could get paid for each student from the base that attended.
The biggest thing I remember was that whenever a new family was stationed on the base finding a house for the, was always an issue. There was a total of 2 houses on the base and they were designed for families. Years later housing was built in town but before that families had to find their own places. There was no housing advisor to helpthem with their relocation unless you count my father.
He showed them around town, invited them to barbaques and holidays, and helped them find housing. He did everything an advisor would do and those families became a part of our family. In fact many f those same families attended my father’s funeral and those same troops carried his casket for him. That small base needed a housing advisor because they would have helped in o many ways.
Having to move to a new community is a lot of stress. And I am glad that I did not have to move all the time. I feel a lot of sympathy for the military and having to move all the time.
Such an important issue to highlight. We have to show more support for our beloved military families!
I could not agree with you more.
I was (am) an army brat from the word go. I can remember one year going to 3 different schools because of finding housing when my dad was relocated. What trauma that was for me. Doesn’t sound like housing issues have gotten much better since then.
I think in some areas they have but in others they still need a lot of work.
My father was out of the military before I was born as he was injured in Vietnam. I can only imagine how hard it was to move around so much. It is too bad that so many of these families can’t just stay put for longer.
That does sound very stressful. I only moved twice during my childhood and that was bad enough…I can only imagine multiple moves into unfamiliar areas.
My condolences to your about losing your dad. My niece is in off base housing, and she doesn’t have children, and it has been stressful even so! An advisor is very helpful to make growing up in a military family not so stressful.
This makes me sad. I know moving is tough for anyone and even more stressful with kids. But you would think our government would try to ease the move for them and their families. It just gives you more respect for all the men and women who have chosen to serve our country.