Disclosure: I was not financially compensated for this post. I received a sample of the product for review purposes. The opinions are my own, based on my personal experience with the product.
Coffee is a big deal here in the mornings. Ma and Tio drink several pots while I generally have a cup or two as I came to the coffee game a bit late. I got so tired of having to make coffee after I got up that I recently ordered a commercial urn and am awaiting its arrival. MistoBox has coffee that any coffee lover will truly enjoy. Each month you receive a box of 4 different coffees from around the country.
We received a box with Costa Rica La Cuesta, Ethiopia Misty Valley, Peru Tupac Amaru, and Guatemala Amarillo. My favorite blend was the Costa Rica La Cuesta because I really liked the pecany, cinnamon taste of it. It was truly enjoyable. Ma loved the Peru Tupac Amaru . She said it really made her mornings all the more enjoyable and I am sure the buttery taste had a lot to do with it. I must say that I enjoyed the 1.7 ox bags because it meant that I could enjoy whatever blend I really liked and Ma could as well if we use the single brewer. Since I don’t get that much coffee small is great for me.
Each package tells you all about the coffee before you even open it. You information about the origin, the process, and more. Now I am going to be honest and tell you that while I don’t bother with any of this there are people who know what all of this means as far as coffee goes and like to have that information. So it good to know that it is there. MistoBox ships whole beans so you will need a grinder but whole beans are always better. Once you grind coffee you need to use it right away as it begins to lose its flavor.
Get MistoBox Coffee Now
Subscribe Now to MistoBox for only $19 a month (1.7 oz bags) or $30 a month (3.4 oz bags.) You can also Shop for coffee items too.
This is really neat. I have never heard of them before now. I like how each bag has information on it. I like how they tell you a little about the taste also. We are big coffee drinkers. My husband and I share a pot everyday.
It is really a great gift idea.
My husband is a huge coffee lover, he would love to have different coffee from different places in the world..too bad they aren’t free trade unless they are and I missed something.
I am not sure but I will make a point of asking.
This sounds like a good service! I too am not a big coffee drinker so the opportunity to try small quantities and lots of different varieties is a big plus.