I thought I would take a little time each Monday morning and share something fun with you. It could be a simple little story about something that happened or maybe just a picture. Just a little something that will help make the week begin a little bit brighter and on a better note. Mondays are extremely busy for me and I always feel like I am drowning on that day of the week. Not to mention that I can only have 1 cup of coffee a week now and I have chosen to have it on the day that I need it the most. I had to cut back drastically because of my blood pressure and blood sugar. So sit back and (I hope that you will) enjoy these little posts each week.
Pins and Needles…..Oh and Squeezing
I feel like a pin cushion nowadays! I have to check my blood pressure everyday as well as my blood sugar. The issue for me is that I bruise very easily so the blood pressure cuff leaves a bruise and the finger picks leave some as well. One thing is certain, I plan on making sure my children don’t go through this if I can help it.
To be honest I didn’t think I would have to go through this. I mean I’m not even 40 yet and I have Home Health Care coming twice a week as well as a physical therapist. It really sucks but I can tell you all this….. I am going to share every step of this journey with you all.
It’s tough, I know. My blood pressure was really high at my last exam – didn’t even know it. I went on a low sodium diet and added extra exercise and I’ve brought it down to nearly normal again. Good luck – you can do it!
Thank you. It has been really hard but I’m slowly working through it. My biggest challenge is to eliminate or at the least cut down as much stress as possible.
Wow, I’m so sorry you’re having to go through all of this at such a young age. I went the opposite way of my mom, and have low blood sugar instead. I hope the home aide and the physical therapist can help you with all that you’re going through. I go to a physical therapist once a week and it’s finally starting to help.
I had high blood pressure when I was preggo, and it was scary. My youngest is now 3, and when I had a check up a few weeks ago it was high again. So I’m off to amazon to buy a meter. Have a great day!