I thought I would take a little time each Monday morning and share something fun with you. It could be a simple little story about something that happened or maybe just a picture. Just a little something that will help make the week begin a little bit brighter and on a better note. Mondays are extremely busy for me and I always feel like I am drowning on that day of the week.

Not to mention that I can only have 1 cup of coffee a week now and I have chosen to have it on the day that I need it the most. I had to cut back drastically because of my blood pressure and blood sugar. So sit back and (I hope that you will) enjoy these little posts each week.
The twins decided this weekend that the carpet needed to be recolored. Two cans of paint that is suppose to be kid friendly ended up on the floor and I am still trying to figure out the best way to get it clean. Although I must say that chances are the only way to manage it will be to simply have it pulled up and tossed. They were so proud of themselves and I must tell you that I had a really hard time ddiscipliningthem. It was one of those moments that you know you need to say something but what can you say.
Oh my gosh Rita, yikes..I agree that knowing how proud they are how can you discipline without doing some major damage to them.
It was one of the my more trying moments.
Oh wow! That is so hard to get out of carpet too. I have had things like that where he is so proud…its so hard to get mad.
It was hard to get mad.
How about: ‘But next time…..’
I know right!
Wow – I had to read that twice because I thought you meant they painted the walls. It took the second time to connect the carpet and paint together…yikes!
Yeah it was a hot mess. One that they are helping me clean up.
Lol, the only thing I can think of is you could actually paint the carpet yourself. (I’ve never done it, but I saw it on one of those HGTV shows.) Or just pull that carpet up, cut out the ‘art work’ & frame it!!! Why not let them be proud of it?
Oh my goodness, I dont’ know whether I would have laughed, cried, or yelled had my two done that to their carpet!!
That sounds like something from a sitcom. I’d have lost it! Good for you for being reasonable. Take photos though. A good reminder of your patience level!