I thought I would take a little time each Monday morning and share something fun with you. It could be a simple little story about something that happened or maybe just a picture. Just a little something that will help make the week begin a little bit brighter and on a better note. Mondays are extremely busy for me and I always feel like I am drowning on that day of the week.

Not to mention that I can only have 1 cup of coffee a week now and I have chosen to have it on the day that I need it the most. I had to cut back drastically because of my blood pressure and blood sugar. So sit back and (I hope that you will) enjoy these little posts each week. Another week is starting and I have big plans for this week!
Starting Off Right
I am working on several things for next month this week, well today and tomorrow, in an effort to start things off right for the month of June. I have a couple of big giveaways planned including the monthly camera giveaway, a hop with some other bloggers and a big summer one with Blushing Reads. So be sure that you check things out from time to time here to see what is going on. I also have a couple of free printables for you all as well as some new insight into my daily life.
Goodness you were either bright eyed and bushy tailed and got this on early, or you are a nightowl too. I still drink coffee, and love it. I actually though have been accused of having coffee in my creamer, so maybe I drink milk 🙂 Hope your week is a good one.
Thanks for the post! Wow, sorry you can only have one cup of coffee a week. But I understand our health must come first. I cut out a lot of foods for my health issues. I am able to drink coffee and probably drink it too much! But I have had to cut out a lot of foods others can eat. Wish you a good week!
Sounds good! I’m looking forward to the printables and seeing what’s going on in your life. I’m going to work on planning for June, tomorrow.
Always looking forward to reading your post and amazing giveaways