I thought I would take a little time each Monday morning and share something fun with you. It could be a simple little story about something that happened or maybe just a picture. Just a little something that will help make the week begin a little bit brighter and on a better note. Mondays are extremely busy for me and I always feel like I am drowning on that day of the week.

Not to mention that I can only have 1 cup of coffee a week now and I have chosen to have it on the day that I need it the most. I had to cut back drastically because of my blood pressure and blood sugar. So sit back and (I hope that you will) enjoy these little posts each week.
Oh the Old People!
Life at Shady Pines can be a bit trying some days. My brother and I call my house Shady Pines because Ma and our uncle live with me and I take care of them. If you ask him he will tell you I am the head care giver and keeper of the alarm codes. That is important cause these people will make a run for it if they get a chance. They just jerk the door open never thinking about the alarm being on or the fact that they kids could get out with my knowing. It is a trail for only the fittest and lets face it I’m not the fittest. I barley pass muster but I wouldn’t wish on anyone else.
Happy Monday! 🙂 I am a complete coffee drinker and probably need to slow down myself…not easy! 🙂 Hope you have a great week!
Happy monday to you, coffee is good!
One cup of coffee a day, much less week, would be tough for me! Happy Monday!!
Good thing you have an alarm on your door, so you know when someone tries to escape! It must be really loud though.