I thought I would take a little time each Monday morning and share something fun with you. It could be a simple little story about something that happened or maybe just a picture. Just a little something that will help make the week begin a little bit brighter and on a better note. Mondays are extremely busy for me and I always feel like I am drowning on that day of the week.

Not to mention that I can only have 1 cup of coffee a week now and I have chosen to have it on the day that I need it the most. I had to cut back drastically because of my blood pressure and blood sugar. So sit back and (I hope that you will) enjoy these little posts each week.
Hello June!
June is finally here and I am excited about it. Don’t ask me why because I honestly don’t have an answer for you but I just know that I am ready for it. Maybe it is the thought of being able to go to the pool again or maybe I have just lost my mind. After I live int he south and it gets hot here. Maybe I know that I have scheduled a week off soon so that I can enjoy a little mini break with the kids or maybe I just like the month of June. Whatever the reason it is here and I am ready to roll.
I agree with you about June. Our good friends have a pool (no heater) so June starts to have weather that allows us to go swimming at their house! It’s just a good month.
I’m not ready for June..time is literally flying by, I don’t even remember May..how could we possibly be into June already
I love June too, and also live in the South and don’t understand why it gets so hot! But I do love the month 🙂
I love the month of June, it feels so fresh.
I’m glad you’re excited about June. Going to the pool and vacation sound like a good reason to be excited. I like it because the kids are home for the summer and I am too.
I am ready for summer too even if it means more pulling my hair out with all of kids out of school, I like to know that they are home and we are all together .