The second month of the year is already down and I actually wrote a couple of different posts for this month depending on how things went with my surgery. If you are reading this particular post it means they didn’t go as planned.
That’s okay though because there are always things that we just can’t plan for no matter how much we try to. Trust I am one of those people who over plans and overpacks. I can go away for the weekend and pack two suitcases. I mean anything could happen with the weather. I could end up stuck somewhere and need more clothes or decide to go somewhere that would require different clothing than I had originally planned. All of those things have happened.
In fact, I promise you that when I went to the hospital there was a packed bag in the trunk of the car just in case I had to stay overnight. Although there is actually a week’s worth of clothing in the bag. Just saying, that’s me and my weird self.
What I Have Been Up To
I haven’t been doing anything other than what the doctors are allowing me to do. Since I am pre writing this particular post I can’t even tell you that. My sister in-law has promised to keep everyone updated if I have to stay in the VIP Group and I promise to be back as quickly as I can.
3 Favorite Blog Posts From the Month
A Brief Note From the Sister In-law
I just wanted to let you all know that I am posting all the articles that Rita has planned and keeping up with things. Don’t worry there will be as little disruption here as possible. If I do forget to post something or give an update please just shoot an email to Rita and I will respond. Thank you all.
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mami2jcn says
My month was pretty quiet and uneventful.
Sandra says
It has been a quiet for me this month weather has been crazy spending a lot of time indoors reading.
Elaine G says
Not much went on for me this month. A few snow storms, a couple of birthdays and lots of book reading.
heather says
It has been one crazy month for me taking care of a sick loved one and now a sick pet and we in the middle of a MEGA snow storm and are snowbound for who knows how long can’t get out of the driveway and the snow keeps coming. I am a little stressed if you couldn’t tell praying that the Lord will help me through all of this.
Bea LaRocca says
I was distressed to hear of the complications that you had during and after your surgery and I am sending all of my best wishes for your speedy recovery. My month has been extremely busy as we are preparing to move. I was excited to see our first measurable snow of the season last night and this morning and am glad that there is more to come this weekend.
Adriane says
Had cataract surgery, some complications, but it will get better. Sending love and healing prayers to Rita!
Leela says
I had a PET scan and am about to start some cancer treatment. Not fun, but I hope things start getting better.
Clem says
Had a pretty good month
Donna says
Not much happened during February. I spent Valentine’s Day with my daughter watching movies. I’d been really hoping to get some snow, but it looks like we won’t be getting any this winter.
Tina F says
I had a pretty good month. We got lots of snow so plenty of shoveling and snow removal. We took time out to make a super cute snowman for our yard.
Elizabeth says
It felt hectic yet endless, mostly because it was so rainy and cold!
Audrey Stewart says
I hope you get through all of this with as little uncomfortableness as possible. I know how it is to keep going to different doctors, and it’s not fun. I hope you keep a good book, or several good books, with you at all times. Keep us posted.
Shirley O says
I had a pretty good month. I finished a couple of small home reno projects.
Madonna says
February was ok for me. Still working on unpacking in my new house.
Terry Breeden says
February wasn’t too bad for me, a bit chilly but otherwise not bad. Won a pretty nice gaming headset so looking forward to using it with my PC soon as I finish getting everything setup. Also won a pretty nice mousepad for my PC before that which I am also excited to use, its huge lol. Other than that just kept busy trying to organize stuff from recently moving, still alot to do though and I am a bit slow but getting there! Wish you a speedy recovery!
K says
It’s been a pretty busy month so far.
Soozle says
My month was full of highs and lows – thankfully more highs
LeonieT says
So far it’s going much better than January and February.
Rose Santuci-Sofranko says
A little busy with running to doctor appointments….but it’s now SPRING! So I’m a happy camper. Thanks and God bless!