Special Features:
● Fate’s Equations ● Deleted Scenes ● Touch the World
My Thoughts:
Touch follows a man (Kiefer Sutherland) trying to understand his mute son (David Mazouz) who may have the ability to predict future events. Touch is from Heroes creator Tim Kring and much like Heros it can be hard to follow. Touch tells the stories of multiple people through a common theme. To be honest I didn’t like the show very much but my aunt loved it and spent an entire day watching all of it. It is simply too hard to follow at times and a lot of the acting is not that great but I think it more the writing than it is the acting.
I watched part of the first episode, but I found it hard to get into.
I have tried to watch this show, but I have to say I tried to like it, but I could not. It is to complicated for me. Give me talent shows to watch like The Voice!
Hmm, sounds like my kind of movie and now that I know the general layout I will be better prepared for the pitfalls I read in the other comments and your review.
I have watched this a number of times and I like the show quite a bit.
I have never heard of this show, I like Kiefer Sutherland, but it doesn’t sound like something I could really get into. I may check it out on Netflix, but I am glad for the review because sometimes I’ll buy something I think I’ll like on Amazon and be disappointed. Thank you!
I really like your honest opinion I saw previews for this and wasnt sure if it was something I would watch eh I might keep an opened mind and give it a shot
I like your honest review. I have not seen it yet but might still give it a try to see what I think about it