I live in a small town and was born here but then moved and came back, by chance, after I was an adult. I guess I can’t imagine always living in one place as I never did. I wonder what that must feel like, always being in one place and knowing everyone in town. I know a handful of people here and sometimes when I am at the store someone will say “You know so and so” and I don’t. Another fact that I found interesting was that in 2010 6.7 million household moved! I wonder though how many of those households moved that year due the economy. I know that more and more people have been moving due to economic circumstances.
The annual migragation rate has gone down since the 60’s as well. Wonder why that is? Of course maybe it is because more and more people are working from home now and don’t have to move for work as often. Could be that more households have both parents working and neither is willing to move because of their careers. There really could be a million different reasons. Like I said I have moved a lot in my life and like to think that I am the person I am today because of those moves.
I have not had to move in years. I bought my house and have been living in it since 1988. To me that is a lot of people moving! But they probably have to move because of their jobs. If there are no jobs where you live then you have to move.
What is it like to stay in one place for so long?
I’m surprised the moving rate has gone down, as it seems like so many people I know have been moving for jobs or more schooling. While I hate the actual moving process, I do like living in different places. It’s fun to discover new things, and thanks to technology its easy to stay in touch with friends all over.
I was as well. I thought it would have gone up.
Interesting! I’ve moved 3 times in the past 6 years, all in the same block lol i can see both of our old houses from our new one. Growing up we moved a lot! Its surprising that the rate has gone down.
Very interesting infographic. It’s stressful to move so much. But as someone who would really love to move right now, I look at it like a fresh start.
I love when you do these info-graphs, I find them so interesting. I have moved a few times when I was younger and sometimes for a job. Luckily we haven’t moved in about 17 years. My husband had moved about 13 times when we got married and we moved a few after that. I hope we don’t move again until we retire. Then I hope we move to Maui. 🙂
I am not surprised that the moving rates have gone down. I think less and less people CAN move because of the costs. I would love to be able to move closer to my dad but it just doesn’t make economical sense these days. I think that the people who move for jobs might increase, but moving just because may continue to go down.
I have always lived in Orange County. I have moved several times but thankfully not too many times. I have been in my house for almost 5 years and I hope to not have to move again.