Many people turn to strict diets in order to lose weight and this is not always the solution. Instead of harsh food restriction, you need to change your diet and engage in physical activity. This is the perfect loss weight plan. When it comes to food and proper eating you need to find healthy food full with nutrients and keep a balanced diet. Once you achieve that you can start with proper physical activity.
If you are looking for one particular sport that can help you lose weight than we suggest trying Muay Thai. Thai boxing or Muay Thai is a great way to lose those extra pounds. However, if you rely on practicing Muay Thai classes in your local gym and then remain inactive during the entire day then you probably won’t see much result. That’s why so many people decide to leave the comfort zone and travel to Thailand – the place where Muay Thai started.
You can find many special schools/training grounds called Muay Thai training camps in Thailand. A professional Muay Thai camp offers classes for both men and women. They also have qualified instructors who have designed different programs. Since not all people have the same goals that’s why the need for different programs emerged.
Of course, those who are looking for a loss weight program should join a camp that has already helped other students. Thailand is a great place for people who want to lose weight in general. This is a country with numerous natural and historical attractions so people are motivated to walk and observe these attractions. The beautiful beaches lure people to get involved in water sports too. Even the food you can find in Thailand is suitable for people looking for balance in their diet. There are many tasty exotic fruits in vegetables sold on every corner in the cities in Thailand.
If you are looking for a place that has all these things and it is also home to several Muay Thai camps then you must visit Phuket Island. This is exactly where you will find SuwitMuaythai – a camp with long history and hundreds of satisfied students. They are welcoming students from any country in the world and they have proven to be really helpful when it comes to people looking to lose weight. With the top notch equipment, clean and organized facilities and experienced trainers the good results are inevitable.
Michelle S says
I agree that to lose weight it must be a combination of healthy eating and physical activity. My goal this year wasn’t to “diet” but to be healthier. My eating habits have improved but I still need work on getting more active. This type of training sounds interesting but I don’t have the time and money to go to Thailand 🙁
Rita says
I need to be much more active as well. That is why I am doing the My Peak Challenge!
ginette4 says
I also agree..losing weight is changing your lifestyle, eating healthy, drinking lots of water and staying active, ride your bike, walk to work if you can..heck park a few blocks away from work or any destination that you need to go to..take those extra steps and reward yourself with a few treats now and then..great read Rita I had no idea about Muay Thai training..I learn so much from you
Rita says
I am so glad that I can get some information out there for you all.
Holly Storm-Burge says
I have always wanted to visit Thailand. This actually sounds like fun. Thanks for sharing!
Rita says
You are so welcome! If you do make it to Thailand I want to hear all about it!!
ellen beck says
I admot I have never heardof this kind of excercise. That being said, most Asian cuisine is usually much healtier because there is less fat and musch less high calorie things in it. The only drawbac I have noticed is high sodiums.
Rita says
It is much healthier and something that I am really trying to incorporate more of into my diet.
Tammy S says
I have heard of Kick Boxing as a great way to loose weight. I don’t think I have heard of Muay Thai. It sounds like a great way to get exercise. That I think is most peoples problem. It is so hard to make the time for a workout. I need to make time for myself to go to yoga. It’s something I love, I just don’t get enough Me Time!
alicia szemon says
I have never heard of that. I am very interested about it though.