Disclosure:This post was brought to you by J Women’s Network and Genworth. All opinions are my own.
I have a small life insurance policy but I know that I need more. The biggest question though is how much life insurance do I need? Do I really even need life insurance? I mean I work from home but I would hardly call myself the bread-winner but I know that even a stay at home parent needs life insurance.
I know that if something happens to me my family needs to be able to cover the expenses of my burial along with all of those other expenses that come along. Trust me if you have never had the experience of a funeral it is far more expensive than you think. there is a lot involved and a cremation is just as expensive.
SO of course after doing some research and thanks to Gentworth (and all of their wonderfully useful information) I have figured out how much insurance I need and found what I hope is the best policy for me. I am happy that I took the time to do the research and find the right policy. Like I said I don’t want to burden my family if something happens.
As a stay at home parent I am not exposed to a lot of the hazards that those who go to work are. By that I mean I am not on the freeway twice a day, in an office where there could be disgruntled employees or any of the other dozen things that happen that you read about in the papers and hear on the news. However I am just as likely to have a heart attack, burn the house down with myself in it while cooking and more.
Having this new policy makes me feel secure in knowing my family will be taken care of and there will not be any burden on them when God finally calls me home. It gives me a peace of mind and that is always a good thing.
I totally agree that life insurance is super important. My hubby has to carry more because as someone with a chronic illness I am not eligible. He carries more just in case we both go at the same time my son will be okay.
I never thought twice about life insurance until I had kids. My husband and I each got polcies when our first was born and then took second policies with our next child. It does give you peace of mind.