How many of you are like me and have a million CDs just lying around? What are you going to do with all of those things? Well some I keep because I really like them but most of them have already been uploaded to my iPod so I really don’t need them. That is where musicMagpie.com comes in to help.
All I did was register on the site and then enter the barcode on my CD, DVD,Blu-Ray, or video game, and then musicMagpie.com gives me a price. I accept it, print the label, boxed them up and drop off at the Post Office. Shipping free and a check arrives fairly quickly. Nowhere on the site did I see a place to purchase anything that I sold. I know what you are thinking “If I sell these then the artists, etc don’t get paid.” I am selling these to a reputable company and if I sold them at a yard sell or flea market no one would get but me either. I didn’t make millions and I didn’t just post them on the internet either. I know someone out there is currently making their mad face.
All in all using musicMagie.com was very simple and I have used something similar for books in the past. It helps keep things organized and the clutter down in the house. However I do want to make it very clear that I NEVER sell any of the books, CDs, DVDs, movies, or products that I receive for my reviews. Those items are given to charities when we no longer use them. The CDs I sold were ones that I had been collecting for several years and to be honest I don’t even listen to most of them anymore. So if you are looking for a way to cut ll the clutter in your home then consider using musicMagpie.com and get rid of the giant stack of CDs that you no longer listen to.
It’s definitely a good business idea and is convenient, but I’d rather support my local record stores and sell my CD’s to them. However, no judgment here, if you want to go this route. Whatever works for you! 🙂
Interesting. My husband and I used to buy and sell CDs at a local place, but it closed. I think it’s becoming a much tougher business, for obvious reasons. We still have CD players in the cars, but when we get new cars I expect it will all be MP3 technology. Might not be a bad idea to get rid of some of the less loved music while there’s still someplace that wants to buy it!
I know, it’s SO hard to find a place for things like this. And for us it’s movies too. VHS ones especially. I hate thinking of all this ending in a landfill. So what you found is an option that works!
My husband never gets rid of his CDs….I wish he would. No judgement here where folks get rid of them – make art if you wish 🙂
Well..I’d love to have known about this a few years back. When my son was about 10 or 11 we started collecting CD’s. We had hundreds–actually over a thousand. Now its all on the iPods. Someone mentioned supporting a local music store, but those are hard to find any more.
Good idea! I don’t have tons of cd’s laying around, but I got sooooo many dvd’s. They are still technologically relevant, but just have so many….
I generally don’t buy CD’s anymore and hubby and I rarely buy DVDs either. But this is a great idea. I have a friend who could benefit from this site immensely!
This is great my step dad has an entire closet of cd’s im sure he would benefit from this
My husband could use this. He has so many CD’s that we had to box up a bunch because they were just taking up space. At least this way they are out of my house and he could use the space for something else.
This is great to know because we have a lot of CD’s in good shape that need to be sold. I will be going through mine and looking. This would be great to get extra money!
Good to know this company is out there. I’ve always thought of doing this but didn’t know who to trust. I love my cds and enjoy having them. What if the ipod gets lost or your computer breaks down. Other than having them in the cloud, you can never be too sure. But I have grown out of some of my music and know that somebody else will enjoy it if I don’t anymore. Thanks!
I think this is great idea and a way to get some money 🙂 Thanks **
Sounds like a good idea for all those old CDs and DVDs that are not being used anymore. Thanks for sharing.
I have such a little original cd’s …
I wish I would have had this before I sold all of mine for basically nothing at a garage sale.
I donated my kid VHS’s to a local daycare that had a player. This is a great idea for those extras that you will never need or use again. Reduce, reuse, recycle
I have used Music Magpie before to sell some old DVDs and CDs I no longer used. I thought the idea was good, however I was a little disappointed at the price and also the time it took to come – a long time! But it is a great idea, but needs a little more efficiency!
Wow that is cool! I have heard of websites that buy electronics but this is super cool! I too wish I would have known prior to taking them to a “used entertainment buy back” company and would have been better giving them away :/ lol
What a great site to check out! I may have to round up all the unused music CDs I have and tryout musicMagpie.com! I know there are other options for using these old CDs (especially software) for arts and crafts too. It’s very depressing thinking about massive amounts of these items just being thrown away into landfills.
Shame they don’t take VHS. We are overloaded with those. Lol.