This blog post is part of a paid SocialMoms and Clorox blogging program. The opinions and ideas expressed here are my own. To read more posts on this topic, click here.
We all have those moments where we manage to get ourselves into a bit of a mess. You when you walk through the mall with your dress in your panties and no one tells you (that was a whole therapy session!) or when you somehow manage to text everyone in your contact list the dirty message meant for you husband (more therapy, my therapist loves me!) Life is full of those moments and Clorox has been helping families clean up some of the stickiest ones for years.
Clorox has the new, the hilarious dictionary of messes that began on April 2, 2013. With the Ick-tionary you can add your own, play games, receive a coupon for 75 cents off any Clorox product, and learn how Clorox can help clean up the ick. I was fortunate enough to contribute two words to the Clorox Ick-tionary and I want to share them with you, their meaning, and the funny story behind them.
Explosarrhea: The aftermath of ignoring your sensitive stomach and ordering the spiciest food at a Mexican restaurant.
Okay you all know that my hubby is Mexican and spicy food is a way of life. However I have a super sensitive stomach and Acid Reflux which means spicy food is a big no-no. Well not too long ago I let all that go out the window when my family and I went to a friend’s Mexican restaurant. My brother always orders spicy and it looked so good so I ate the same thing. It really was good but the aftermath was anything but. I knew the second we got in the car it was going to be bad. My stomach starting making noises that told everyone what was about to happen. We got to the house and my brother took forever getting the door open (on purpose!) Then when I finally made to the bathroom and was in the middle of things I hear “Oh my God is that you?” His bathroom and guest bathroom back into each other and he heard all the noises I was making. I still get teased about those noises.
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This blog post is part of a paid SocialMoms and Clorox blogging program. The opinions and ideas expressed here are my own. To read more posts on this topic, click here.
Too funny ick-tionary, us moms have had our fair share of icky moments.
hahaha! you had me dying laughing. i dont know that I have outrageous ick moments like those of my own that dont involve the kiddos
Wow! They sure did a number on you by having you get stuck to the chair. My son has done similar things to me by thinking it was funny, like squirting mustard on me! I just laughed when I read this post today!