I have been trying for a few years to get a garden to grow. I haven’t had much luck, but this year I decided to do something a little different. I don’t have a garden in the traditional sense, but I do have a little garden here and there in my yard. I thought I would show y’all how well some of it is doing. It has taken me years to really do anything in the yard.

Ugly Stumps
We have a couple of big stumps in the middle section of our front yard. Figuring out what to do with them has not been the easiest thing. I decided to decorate them a little bit. I found some glow in the dark stones on Amazon and used a builder’s glue (like caulking) to put them into place. Then I placed a turtle on the top. It is actually the tortoise and the hare reading a book, which I love!

Sunflowers are one of my favorite flowers. Years ago, I heard in a movie that sunflowers were God’s ugly mistake. From that moment, I found them irresitble. I have no idea why that line triggered something for me, but it did. This year I wanted to try my hand at them. I had these two big pots and happened to find dwarf sunflowers at the dollar store. It was a starter kit, so I bought it.

Once the flowers were ready to move into the bigger pots, I transferred them. Since it was going to be just a couple of sunflowers in each pot, I added some geranium around the edges and, as you can see, things are growing nicely. Although I did lose one sunflower. It fell over and didn’t recover. I will say, once they begin to bloom flowers, I will share those pictures with you all. These are going to be my triumphs of this year, I think.

The Peacock
Of course, the peacock is out in the yard. We did take it down for a while, but I decided it belonged out in the yard where it could be proud. Please note, though, that I glued that baby down this time. No more jerking it out of the ground at all. There is a story behind the peacock, and you can read all about it here.

Sitting Area
I needed a place to sit and enjoy all the flowers I planted, so that’s where this little area comes in. It was all dirt, and we were struggling to get grass to grow there. After years of nothing, my uncle said, “Let’s put down the pavers and see what we get.” We ended up with a nice area, and I found those two chairs and the table on sale. The gnomes made their way to the area by accident. I sat one down because it was heavy and planned to move it. A couple of days later, my uncle thought it looked great there and found some others. Now they have taken on a life of their own and keep multiplying.
Fake Flowers
All those fake flowers you see in the background, all bloomed out, are my mother’s doing. She said we needed some color quickly, so she put that out. I will say they don’t look bad at all.

Rock Garden
On the left is lemon grass, and I planted it last year. It is doing so well that I could not be happier with it. I didn’t think it would come back. We actually did the little rock garden in front of the chimney out front last year. I got tired of having weeds there and having to pull them every year. So I found a bag of rocks at the local hardware store. I poured them out to see how it would look, and five bags later, we had a garden. We pulled up some shrubs on the opposite side (where the fake flowers are) and plan to do the same thing with rocks there.
The plant on the right hand is a hyacinth that we found growing in the woods. It was just growing in our woods, so I decided to transplant it. It had already bloomed when I found it and then died because of the frost. However, they are coming back nicely now that the weather is warm again.

I have no idea
This was planted and I have no idea what it is. There are tulip bulbs in there that I planted, and at the time I took this picture, they hadn’t started growing much yet. This plant, though, is blooming like crazy. I checked and it has a bulb at the bottom. I just don’t know what it is. If anyone happens to know, I would love to.
My little garden pots are scattered all over the front yard, but they make it look so much better. For years, people would say they didn’t think anyone lived here because we never did much in the front yard. There really wasn’t anything we could do. Rake up the leaves and that was it. There is no grass in the front at all. Now it is blooming all over the place, and I couldn’t be happier with it.