I was watching Criminal Minds recently ( I am not going into any details as it was bad) and thought am I sometimes that narcissistic?
The woman on there was talking about how much she wanted perfect kids because she deserved that. It got me thinking. We all are that narcissistic at times, especially when it comes to God. I know I am guilty of saying I need this or want this and because you are God I deserve this. I don’t mean to be this way but I am. I hope and pray that some how in his infinite wisdom god looks into my heart and realizes that as a human I can not always help myself. Especially here lately.
I know I deserve nothing in this life and I don’t know what I would do if everything was perfect. I would probably pull my hair out. I need or want the chance at what every it is and hope that even in my imperfect, narcissistic way God finds a blessing for me. I know that he will and that I simply have to wait for him because he does everything in his own time, not mine.
I think we all have our moments. I do think there are some people that are very narcissistic in all areas of life. I really to believe that you reap what you sew.
me too.
As we are all human, I think we all have similar thoughts from time to time. I also believe that it isn’t healthy. As you age it could become very OCD.