If you read on Twitter and Facebook you know I have had some trouble with my hosting company. I managed to get logged in long enough to write this post nad that was only by deleting somethings out. I am in the process of switching to godaddy.com for my hosting however since all this happened yesterday it may take me until Monday to get things switched over. I am also adding a Rewards porgram once I get switched over. I want to be able to reward all of my loyal followers and readers. There will be a few other additions once I get switched. So much for my two weeks with hubby! However making sure that my readers are in loop with what is going on is important as well. So please bear with me as I get everything switched. If you are looking for a post or something is missing please let em know. I make a full backup of everything that had to temporialy be deleted and wil reinstall them all correctly.
Wo is your current domain through?
Like a big dummy I went with freehostia hoping to save some money. Well you get what you pay for. I was having to buy extra space every month or so. Now I am with godaddy and hopfully things will rn smoothly
However, today I was able to buckle down and secure some ads for December 1st, as well as log some of my customers who run on a weekly basis.