- williamcho / Foter.com / CC BY-SA
Well the new year is finally year and if you follow me at This Faithful Life you will have read my personal resolutions. My blogging life has many if their own and here is a little of what I hope to accomplish this year:
- To manage a good schedule that is flexible enough to deal with things that come up but allow me to spend time with my family
- To improve how I connect with all of you on social media. I want to connect more there than just sharing posts.
- To bring you fabulous products and giveaways this year.
- To launch my new venture and have it be successful
- To have a full month of articles planned, written, and schedule for all of my blogs
Those are just a few of my resolutions for this year. There are about a million things that I want to accomplish and it would take me hours to list them all. The truth is I know that many of those things I will not accomplish but for me the fact that I hope to is more than enough. My hope for myself and all of you is that this year better than last.
my new years resolution is to lose the last 5 pounds from my baby weight. I also want to try to be a better person inside and out. and be a better wife and mother.
Happy New Year, Rita and all!
I really connect with your first resolution: “To manage a good schedule that is flexible enough to deal with things that come up but allow me to spend time with my family”. I’m an imperfect perfectionist and when something disrupts my schedule or plans, I don’t always react the best way. This is definitely one way I’d like to improve this year, as well.
I need to learn to be happy enough with what is in my life and what is going ON in my life, but at the same time remember that I have will and control and can take steps to change what I sometimes am impatient with or unhappy about. I know it is my issue, not other’s jobs. That goes for what I think of my health, my children, my husband, finances, my body, etc. I figure this is a broad resolution and covers all. Plus, I simply want to organize more in every area too. Good luck with ALL of your resolutions,…to everyone on here. A new year. Yippee!
I hope you are able to accomplish the many goals you have set for yourself. Make sure you take time to breath. In this fast paced world we are living in I think that we sometimes forget to take a moment or two for ourselves. It is not selfish to do so. If we don’t take care of ourselves properly as women we won’t be able to do the things we want for other.
Happy New Year.
In years past, I didn’t believe in NYR. But this year I resolve to focus on Me! I am always doing everything for everyone else and put myself last. I am going to put myself towards the top of the list! Looking forward to an exciting new year!
Happy New Year! I think these are Awesome goals! If anyone can do it, it’s you! You already do an amazing job on bringing us so many great posts and giveaways. I would love to see you have your schedule work out. I know how important your family time is.
I think it is important to have goals/resolutions whether they are day to day or an outlook for a year. Your goals are great and if I had to make a resolution for this year it would be to have more organization in my life so I don’t feel so overwhelmed!
we dont do new years resolutions anymore because we never stick to them. I think they last a week or two! 🙂 lol maybe next year i will try to lose weight again! aggh
Oh, I am SO with you on wanting to accomplish so many things this year! I just recently got an embroidery machine, and want to learn more about that…I want to expand my blog…and on, and on, and on!
I love that you made resolutions for your blog in particular. I was actually drafting a “to-do” list specifically for my blog earlier today. 🙂
I have a resolution I keep saying every year but this year I plan to do it.. eat healthier and lose weight and hopefully ill be able to run in the Color Run in 2015
They say goals are most achievable when they are specific, so by that yardstick I’d say you are off to a good start. I want to look and feel good in a bathing suit in time for a tropical beach vacation in April. Hope I can pull it off!