One of the best words in the world is NO! Why? Well because it doesn’t matter if I am saying it to my children in English or in Spanish no is still no. I love that! I know it sounds trivial but sometimes knowing that a word is the same means I know they understand me no matter which language I use.
For example the is not the same. A is not even the same and don’t get me started on and! But no is and I am loving it. Isn’t that funny that a simple word can make you get all excited? It does though! I remember one time when I told Edgar to tell me what no was in Spanish so the kids would know for sure what I was talking about. He looked at me like I had lost my mind completely. That is the joys of living a bicultural life!
I can see that. “No” has got to be one of the most important words for a mom, for sanity and not committing to too much. And, for consistency in a child’s life, no is very important for growth and flexibility.
It is. I have no problem using the word no because I feel that sometimes they just need to be told no.
I love this! Sometimes it’s the little things that are life’s little joys. Plus it’s a great word. 🙂 I have no problems what so ever using the word with my kids. I ant them to know that not getting your way all the time isn’t the end of the world. I think it makes them appreciate things more when they have had to work hard for them.
It is an awesome word! I feel the same way, saying no makes them understand that you can’t always have what you want when you want.
Just a nice simple easily understood word: NO! So many words are different in English and Spanish, nice to have one that’s the same.
It is nice to have one that is the same.
We are not bilingual, so my kids use selective hearing as their excuse for not doing what I want! I can only imagine the challenges of having bilingual children.
It can be a challenge but I learn something new from them everyday.
How true! Good thing “no” is easy to understand no matter what language. Some kids test their limits more than others, and then it depends on their age, too. Most kids will appreciate the “no’s” when they get older.
They will appreciate it and I love being understood.
Sometimes it is not easy to say no at work but there are times when you have to. Then again when you do say no it can feel really awesome.
I know! I recently had to say no to helping a friend because I was just so busy myself. Well now she won’t speak to me but I can only do what I can do and if she was a true friend she would have understood. The truth is there is such power in one small word.