That’s how I feel it’s been with God lately. It’s like there’s no signal. You know how it is when you’re on your cell and you loose your signal. It seems like for every good thing there is five horrible things.
Maybe our wires have crossed somewhere. Maybe God just forgot to check his voicemail. He is after very busy. Maybe I dialed the wrong number. It happens. Whatever the reason I am at a lost on how to fix it.
To be honest when I started this journey finding faith I thought I would open a book or turn a corner and there it would be. It’s not that simple. You have to take the good with bad. There are days when I’m not so sure about God. Days where I wonder if it all simply dumb luck.
If God has a plan for all of us I really would a tiny bit of insight. He doesn’t have to tell me the plan just let me know things will work out. Of course it doesn’t work that way.