I have been reading Acts in the Bible but for some reason Noah has been on my mind for a while now. I don’t know if it is because of the movie and all the previews or for some other reason. In fact I had another post planned for today but put that aside to write this one.
To me Noah is one of the greatest people in the bible. He did what not only seemed impossible but most likely seemed crazy.Think about it for a minute, imagine that one of your neighbors suddenly decided to start building this huge boat in their front yard. You would think they had gone mental. Yet Noah did it because God told him to. As far as we know Noah never questioned if the voice he heard was God and he did everything asked of him.
That sort of faith and determination inspires me. I want that sort of a relationship with God but I am going to be honest and say I don’t think I know anyone nowadays who do. To know that the voice you hear is God and that you are not crazy (another post all together) would be the best feeling in the world. To take that chance and just follow your heart knowing that you are doing the work of God.
I can only imagine how difficult all of it actually was for Noah and his family. Being told how crazy they were, getting into a boat awaiting a flood that may not happen, surrounded by animals that could kill you in a second.Then to hear the screams of people as they drown and all that time on the boat alone with no one else not knowing if you would ever be able to get off of it. Can you imagine the torture of all of that? Talk about a cross to bear!
I have to agree with you that Noah was a very brave and strong willed person. I can’t even imagine building an ark and having everyone think you are loco. I also don’t think there are people now a days that believe that strongly in God that they don’t question things. I think part of that has to do with our culture. There are so very strange people out in the world. No is 100% trusting of anyone or anything.
I agree there are some strange people out there and our culture has taught us not to trust.
I agree that Noah was a strong and brave man and lived by his faith, it’s an amazing story of living life through faith and never questioning what God ask of you.
I cannot imagine living my life that way. I mean I want to and strive to but there is something that always makes me question. I don’t know if it is me or the way the world simply is now.
Even my husband, who is not one for religious themed movies, is excited about Noah. I agree his story is an impressive example of faith. I’ve certainly never witnessed anything like it.
I am so glad that Hollywood is once again making movies like this. Those epic ones that make you feel something.
It is very hard to imagine what Noah had to go through. I know he was able to get through it because God was with him. I think that is one important lesson not to miss is that with God all things are possible, of course it has to be within his will which is not always what we want.