We try to be green in our home because we know that it is important to try and save the planet for our children and their children. The problem is that we are probably not as green as people would like us to be. Some of the things we do is take our own bags to the store when we shop, use green household cleaners, and things like that. However I do admit that I sometimes get the little plastic bags from the store because they make great bathroom trash bags. I don’t always use cloth diapers because disposable sometimes is simply more practical.
Clorox Green Works is here to say that it is okay to not be extreme about being green. They believe that somewhere along the line being green became a status symbol which is probably true. Most people, if asked, would say they were green because saying you were not would bring on the looks. In fact in a survey of 600 women Green Works learned that there is more pressure to be green than there is to lose weight. Can you imagine that?
That is why Green Works has created the Green Housewives! The video is so cute and I know you will all enjoy it as much as I did. Check it out quickly(if for some reason it doesn’t play below here is the link ):
Wasn’t it just great? The reality of it all is that 59% of women say they are green when it is practical in their lives. I can see that because let’s be honest if something is just not practical in our busy lives then why bother with it. I want to be green 100% of the time but I simply can’t. All I can do is my small part to help as much as I can and hope that every small thing I do adds up in the end. You can learn more about Green Works by visiting their site and learn more about their findings below in this infograph. Below the infograph is the perfect chance for you to practice being green! Clorox Green Works will give 1 lucky reader Green Works Product Gift Baskets that include: All Purpose Cleaner, Cleaning Wipes and Laundry Detergent. ENDS February 12, 2013 at 11:59 pm EST
This is part of a sponsored campaign with Latina Mom Bloggers and Green Works. However, all opinions expressed are my own.
I could do better and take my own reusable bags when going grocery shopping.
My biggest hurdle when it comes to being green is taking shortcuts & the cost to buy green.
I have phased in greener alternatives over a number of years and think I do fairly well…until summer when I want my AC!
using recycable totes while grocery shopping instead of plastic bags
I need to use reusable bags and cloth diapers lol
That video was lol 🙂 I could be greener by using reusable grocery bags and a washable water bottle instead of buying the plastic ones
I could do better by remembering my reusable bags..
I can do better with paper recycling and taking my reusable bags to stores when shopping.
My biggest hurdle is sometimes going green is more costly. I try my best though
reusing grocery bags
Trying to re-use water bottles, they’re handy to just grab and go, but they’re hard to break down in recycling.
The cost…and I imagine it’ll only get harder when I have kids.
Reusing water bottles results in a plastic taste after a short time. I’m beginning to purchase bottles made to last a lot longer.
its expensive!!
We are pretty good about trying to be green. The one thing I could really work on is using reusable water bottles instead of buying water bottles. We do recycle our water bottles though. 🙂
The cost of being green is my biggest hurdle. Hopefully, the price of things will keep going down as more people seek it out.
Diana C
I agree it can cost a lot to go green, but every little thing you do helps…. make sure to recycle !!!
My biggest hurdle to being green is the high cost of cleaning products and some of them do not work as well as the ones I am used to.
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
i recycle whenever i can, and reuse things
My biggest hurdle is remembering to take reusable bags to the grocery store.
to use cloth diapers
My biggest hurdle is remembering what can and cant be recycled.
The girl drinking the hair conditioner was great. One of my biggest hurdles to being green is finding the green/natural items available when I’m shopping. There’s several natural laundry detergents I like that I have to buy online.
mine is doing the research before i buy stuff then i find out that its not as good as i think at the end
My biggest hurdle is that I get used to products and don’t look for green ones.
My biggest hurdle is not recycling our soda cans.
Finding Eco Friendly Products That Are Budget Friendly
My biggest hurdle is using paper napkins instead of cloth.
My biggest challenge is finding cost-effective green solutions; often, the environmentally-friendly products feel like they can’t fit in my budget!
Thanks for the giveaway.
My biggest hurdle is getting my family on board. I try to recycle but they throw everything in the trash, etc…
My biggest hurdle is getting my family to participate
Being green in saving the planet or being green and not using harmful toxins? I am sensitive to toxins, fumes, perfumes, etc. And my big hurdle is the cost to buy the items without all of this. Sounds like it should be CHEAPER really without all that stuff? right? Am I RiGHT? lol.
my biggest hurdle is to overcome old habits
Thank you for hosting this giveaway
pumuckler {at} gmail {dot} com
use reusable bags