One of things that summer always brings is bugs! Have I told you all how much I hate bugs! There are so many different types of bugs that are out in the south that I couldn’t name them all if I wanted to. I recently discovered that the bugs in Boston are super serious. At least in my opinion.
Do you see all those ant up there? They are taking over Boston! I am not a big fan of ants and hate that we have had some in the past. I use a service to keep bugs to a minimum but I live in the woods so bugs are just there. I’m not crazy about spiders either because I got bit by one before and it required heavy antibiotics and the doctor cutting out piece of my leg.
There are many of those silverfish things but I can honestly say that I haven’t the first clue as to what those are. I had to look them up y’all! I have never seen one of those. Ma told me I had but I think she is having a senior moment! I guess if you are in the pest service in Boston you don’t mind all the bugs but all I see is all the creepy crawly things that could crawl into my bed. Not to mention possibly into my ear while I am asleep. Truthfully though if I was to live in Boston it looks like Rockport or maybe Marshfield has the fewer bugs. I’m just saying 🙂
Hahaha! Now I have the heebie geebies!! I won’t be able to go to sleep now without thinking about bugs!!
I hate bugs in the house. I mean I know they serve a purpose in the the life cycles of the natural world, but keep that natural world OUTSIDE please… 🙂