That is what I was screaming this morning as I awoke to no internet service. I could get it to connect for all of about five seconds. All I kept thinking was I have a list of things to get done as long as my arm and without the internet how in the world am I going to get anything done. My entire business life revolves around having internet service and today my brother’s internet service provider was asleep on the job!
That is both the joy and the bane of what I do for a living. I love that I can take my job with me anywhere I go. That I am not tied down to any one place but then I am at the mercy of the internet provider wherever I go. In all fairness though it truly is not the provider’s fault today because there is ice here which makes everything run a little slower. The days like today though remind me just how much I depend on the internet.
That is of course not taking into account all the time I spend on here doing other things too. Our lives depend so much on internet service. I remember not too long ago though, like 2 years, when there was no high-speed internet where I live which meant dial-up. You will quickly learn the value of patience and that it is truly a virtue if you ever have to use dial-up. My aunt still has dial-up and whenever she needs something done I do it at my house whenever possible.
Having to spend an hour waiting for Facebook to open which makes me want to throw my computer in the floor but hey that’s just me. I think that it is not just my family but the world as a whole who now depends more on the internet than we ever have. Technology has become something we can’t live without and all I can say is that while it is good to disconnect from time to time being connected means staying in the loop.
agh i would die! no blogging! 🙂
So true. Many of us are slaves to technology and especially the Internet. I worked at a college recently as a Counselor/advisor, and when the server was down, we couldn’t do our job because the student database was down as well as the class schedule. Oh, and students couldnt access Facebook. Just primitive!
I love Facebook, btw. Lol
Diana C
this happened to me a week or so ago and boy was i mad. it was out for 3 days and i could not work or watch tv or anything. i was extremely mad at my provider and bored.
It’s so frustrating when there is no internet service! It just seems to throw me off when that happens.
That would be terrible at my house! How would we surf/watch TV/play games/write reports/etc??
The internet is my lifeline to the world, to family, to research. When you are bedbound or housebound it can really make you crazy to NOT have it. And then for us our server also is our cable server. So then, you have to make do and READ a book. Good thing you do book reviews;)
I will go crazy if there is no internet at my house since I have to check email, facebook, twitter, blogs etc everyday.
I feel for you! My family is currently living in near third-world computer conditions. Our desktop computer has a broken ethernet card and getting on the Web takes FOREVER, if you can even get pages to load. If I didn’t have a laptop and a wireless router, I think I’d go bananas.
I cant imagine a world without the internet – although not too many years ago thats the way it was. We didnt grow up with it, but when it goes down boy you feel like screaming.
I would go crazy if I didn’t have internet. We depend on it for everything now a days. Our kids have no clue what it is like not to be able just to turn on their computer and find what ever they want. They don’t even know what dail up is. 🙂
It’s good to disconnect when you are doing it on your own will, not when you are being forced to do that by your internet provider. Instead of getting other things done when there’s no internet connection I find myself constantly checking if it is back on!!
I almost went NUTS yesterday! since my step son had to use my laptop to do his “make-up” work, he told his dad and I he only had 1 page and it would take him about 45 mins. Okay no biggy right, well no…. he had 3-1 page reports!! mind you he is only 10 and has a cast on from a recent injury! 8 1/2 hours later I FINALLY got my computer back! I felt like I was on another planet without my internet! realizing how dependant I was (addicted) I made a promise to the hubby and Kids that on Sundays I would spend no more than an hour on my computer (since I am up before everyone in the house) and I would do it first thing in the Morning!
I’ve become so invested and enslaved to a computer that I’ve forgotten what it’s like to just take a moment and see my surroundings.