One prayer at a time! That is what this little yellow flower immediately made me think. Yesterday I showed you my favorite purple flowers that I stop to admire everyday. Well this single little flower grows right near there. There are no other flowers anywhere around. So what do this flower have to do with prayers? Well I have had a few really rough weeks as far as my relationship with God goes. In fact to be honest I was to the point of not believing anymore. A lot has been going on personally and things can wear you down after a while. The for whatever reason I noticed this little flower and a single prayer was the thought I immediately had.
One Prayer
I realized that even though we may pray a million times a day it honestly takes only one single prayer for God to hear. That no matter how things are going or how bad they get if I can get on my knees and offer one prayer then my relationship with God is not as bad as I think. One prayer can make all the difference in the world. I mean this little flower grows all alone, there are not any other of its kind growing nearby yet here it is. It grows in the weeds where when the country comes by it will be cut down.
Yet still here it growing and reaching for the sky with all of its might. That single little flower has no faith, no understand yet it is. I realized that if that flower can simply be then so can I . All I need to do is offer one prayer and remember that I am here because God had a plan for me. It isn’t for me to question or to doubt.
Share Your Story:
Have you ever seen anything, like this little flower, that just reminds you of the faith and beauty that is God?
What a great story, I am with you on the life is not easy thing, but I never lose faith in God. I know I get by in life because of him.
This is a great post! When my father was dying I remember I got so mad at God that I even said so to the priest. He said to me that it’s okay to get mad at God sometimes because we don’t understand his plans. That we just need to look around and find one good thing each day that we can thank him for. Soon we will find more good and beautiful things that we want to thank God for and our anger will go away. This conversation has always stuck with me. No matter what I can still find at least one thing each day to thank him for. I hope things get better for you soon. Hang in there.
Yes, many times I see things, in nature especially, that will remind me of a spiritual truth and turn my often wandering eyes back to Him. I believe that since your mind turned immediately to God when you saw the little, lone flower you are still walking very near Him.
Thank you for this post…I am trying so hard to “keep the faith” right now. If it only takes one prayer, then I should think the hundreds, thousands of prayers that I have said should have been heard. Yet when I get to this point of wondering about my faith and if God hears me, I too will see a miracle. Whether a single flower, the birth of a baby or such. But if you pray for strangers, please pray for me as I will do for you. Thanks.