My brother and I call my house Shady Pines like from the old television show The Golden Girls although I will admit there are times is more like the old British one, Waiting for God. Since I take care of Ma, her brother, and my great aunt the name is fitting. On top of all of that we live in the woods that is mostly pine trees (see where I’m going with this!)
Life here at Shady Pines is never boring that is for sure. There is always something going on or someone complaining about something. I can honestly say that I haven’t had a day where I haven’t heard at least one complaint in about ten years. Maybe longer than that. The residents keep the weirdest hours known to man. I mean the old people (yep that is what we call them and to their faces sometimes but it is said with nothing but love and affection) wake up at the crack of dawn, have a nap by nine am then wake up again. They have some lunch about noon and proceed to nap until dinner only to fall asleep again until around eight pm where they stay up until around one am. Now if we are out and about for the day this doesn’t happen and I have tried to keep them on a schedule. Let’s just say I have learned that a mutiny is no fun and they can have their own way.
When I irritate them enough they decide to feed the children as much candy as possible and hype them up. Then they take a nap. I’m not really sure who is honestly running the show around here but I highly suspect that it is not me. In the end I love them and wouldn’t change a thing even if I do want to put them away somewhere sometimes.
Is this part of a book review? I didnt know you lived with elderly relatives. I have always thought how nice it is when families stay together.
Nope it’s not a book review. My mother and uncle live with me and my great aunt lives less than a mile down the road. My mother moved in after my father died and my uncle a few years ago.
I knew exactly what show you meant in the title – loved The Golden Girls! My Mom lives with us too but she is still keeps normal hours.
We love that show! The weird thing is my mother’s hours started this way right after my uncle moved in. Bless their hearts!
Love it..they are blessed to have you in the lives even though they torture you..gotta love them
Loving them is about all I can do. I think they stay up at night and think up ways to torture me. You know they say that as you get older you revert back to your child-likeness. That is so true! I keep waiting for the day when I keep “Tell your Uncle to stop touching me!” in the car.
Your post made me laugh! My mother-in-law visited with us recently and she naps quite a bit during the day too, although she goes to be pretty early. It sounds like it’s rather eventful around your house all the time.
I am so glad that I made you laugh. They make me laugh daily. I think the older we get the more naps we need. Now if only the kids would take naps my day would be almost perfect.
Shady pines sounds like a great place.
It is! I wouldn’t trade for all the money in the world.
Your house sounds lovely! I love the peacefulness of living rurally!
Lol, when I saw your title, my first thought was ‘Hey, Sophia’s retirement home was Shady Pines!’ But her Shady Pines was a nightmare to hear her tell it, ha! My Mom lives with me & my brother’s family is right across the street, so I know what it’s like to live surrounded by family! Mostly nice but occasionally you want to pull your hair out!
Hyping the kids up is always fun when they aren’t yours! LOL.
I just love this post… I can almost smell the pine ttrees when you describe it. I wish my relatives were still alive, I miss them.
it sounds very good place. thanks for sharing!
Sounds like a wonderful place with all the normalcy of home.