What would the perfect dress be without the perfect lingerie to go underneath it.I had a really hard time deciding what the perfect piece would be. Edgar loves black and red and I wanted something in one of those colors but I also wanted something tastefully. That’s when Yandy.com came through for me! Their plus size lingerie is some of the best I have ever had the pleasure of owing.
First let me say I wish I looked that chick in the picture. The Sequined Cup Chemise was a perfect addition to our perfect night!It fit me like a glove and accented the areas I wanted to accent while hiding those I didn’t. I felt very sexy in it and it worked well with the dress.
Yandy.com is one my favorite lingerie sites. They have a little of everything such as swimsuits. With summer come up you know you will be looking for a new one. I also am a fan of their sexy Halloween costumes, not that I actually wear any of them but I always have that urge. Who knows maybe this year?
Yandy lingerie and costumes are beyond top quality. There is something for everyone and I am so thrilled to have the working relationship we have.I wish you all could have seen how surprised Edgar was with this piece of lingerie. Most of the time as you all know men just want something trashy. With this piece he was pleasantly surprised.
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