I am a huge movie lover! Well to help me stay connected to all the movies I love Twentieth Century Fox has a new app called Own the Moments. This is actually a pretty cool app considering I don’t really use or like apps that often. I love Own the Moments. All sorts of movies are in little cubes and you can select which one you want. You can filter by genre, cast and crew, decade, etc.
When you click the cube with the movie you want you can watch clips, hear soundbites, photos, trivia, etc. If you click “See Connections” you can see how the movie is related to other titles from Fox such as through an actor or director. You can share everything through your social media network and you can even click hit the ‘buy now’ link to access Foxconnect and purchase the title on Blu-Ray or DVD. Please note that not all titles are currently available. You will also soon be able to build your own cube and share your favorite movie moments. How awesome is that? The app is very easy to use but I should tell you that they use Facebook connect to verify your age so some rated R movie clips aren’t going to work for someone under 18.
Own the moments is currently available to download for iPhone or Android.
You can check Own the Moments out on Facebook or Browse around the site as a Guest.
Twentieth Century Fox has wonderfully offered a copy of Marley & Me / Firehouse Dog Double Feature DVD to 1 very lucky Rita Reviews reader. Enter below for your chance to win.
Ends: July 24, 2012 at 11:59 pm EST
Giveaway has now ended and the winner has been announced on the Winner’s Board
The famous boat scene on The Titanic.
I loved Firehouse dog when the dog saved the dad and the woman I was so happy.. that was a great movie moment.
I love Heath Ledger in The Dark Knight, anything he did in that was my favorite movie moment.
I love Anger Management.
i love dirty dancing
my favorite TV moment was when Elizabeth told W. Darcy her true feelings for him in Pride & Prejudice (Actor: Colin Firth) – – Paul T/Pauline T aka Paul Tran….. emscout9 at Hotmail dot com
Followed on Google +… …. as Paul T / Pauline T (Paul Tran …pls use emscout9 at hotmail dot com instead of gmail to contact me)
Followed on RSS…Google reader subscriber …as Paul T / Pauline T (Paul Tran…pls use emscout9 at hotmail dot com instead of gmail to contact me)
On Tangled, when the water is rising and her hair lights up