One of the biggest perks of adding a boho piece to your wardrobe is never going out of style. Boho style dresses have been around for decades. Boho dresses are perfect for daytime outings and even work at night if you style them right. Styling your outfits is crucial because you can dress them up…
The Best Ways to Preserve Your Fondest Memories
It’s no secret that preserving your memories is a crucial part of life. They provide you with a sense of identity and help you connect with those around you. Whether it’s a physical object or just a written account, these memories are precious and should be treated as such. So, how can you go about…
3 Ways to Set Yourself Up for Academic Success at College
Every year, thousands of students enroll in degree programs of all kinds across the country in the hopes of being able to successfully set themselves up for a fulfilling and sustainable career in the future. However, taking on the challenge of earning your degree is no small matter. Rather, there are many obstacles that most…
Just Dew It Hydrating Serum
I know I told you yesterday how much I love Fleur & Bee, and let me tell you, I truly do. They sent me their Just Dew It Hydrating Serum before it ever hit the shelves, and while I am not a big serum gal, this one I loved. Before I get into everything amazing…
H2 Oh Yeah Hydrating Moisturizer
Keeping my face hydrated is so important. especially with my rosacea because it gets too dried out in places. It also means I have to be careful about the things I put on my face. One wrung product and I broke out with a flare up for weeks. That is one of the reasons I…
Why Do Doctors Do This
I recently went to the doctor to get my test results. I had an echocardiogram, a carotid ultrasound, stress test, and had to wear a heart monitor done. So getting the results were easy. The heart clinic I go to uses My Chart which means I saw most of the results prior to my appointment.
Everything You Need to Know about DUI in Newyork
Drunk driving is a criminal offense that a person can be charged with when caught driving under the influence of drugs, alcohol, and other illegal substances or prescription medicine. In New York, drunk driving offenses are often referred to as
Friday Cocktails – March 18, 2022
Friday has rolled around again and that means it is time for Friday Cocktails! Drafting and prepping these last few months was one of the best ideas I had. It means I can do just a little bit of work on each one and then it is ready. All I have to do is type…
Home Improvements That Will Protect Your Property
Your home is likely to be your biggest asset, so it is really important that you do what you can to protect it and keep your family as safe and secure as possible too. With that in mind, here are some of the most effective home improvements when it comes to protecting your property right…
How Can You Spend More Fun Times Together As A Couple?
Do you find that you and your other half do not spend a lot of time together? If this is the case, read on to discover 12 hobbies that you can enjoy together…