We are currently half way through the year as of today. After all this is the sixth month and summer has more than began for most of us. What am I up to this summer? Well, a little of the same along with a little different. I am currently taking a design course that I…
Meet Robot Bunnies!
I don’t know about y’all but a soft cuddly blanket is a favorite for everyone in my home. That is why I was so intrigued by Robot Bunnies. Yes, that is the name of the company. Isn’t it great?
Summer Learning
One of the things that I have learned is that you are never too old to learn something new. That is why I started a class for this summer. It actually already began and I could not be happier with it. It is a design class. My goal is to improve some of my design…
Beating the Heat with Hybrid Gear
How uncomfortable are your clothes in the summer? Well, mine getting pretty uncomfortable because it gets hot. We aren’t talking Texas hot but the Georgia heat can be just as brutal. I swear there are times when I am outside for five minutes and shirts is soaked through. That is one of the reasons I…
Gramma in A Box Subscription Box
How many of you baked with your grandmother? I did with my granny almost every summer from the moment I was old enough to be in the kitchen. My children will never bake with my grandmother. My mom bakes but not often anymore. That is why I was so thrilled aboutGramma in a Box. It…
The Email Pile
As a blogger I get a lot of emails. I also work as an assistant so there is almost always a huge pile of emails. Add in the things I sign up for, book release announcement, groups I am a part of and well you can imagine. There are some times that I have more…
The Greatest Joy in My Life
As a parent I am supposed to say my children. As a daughter I should say my mother. As a sister I could say my siblings. Get where I’m going here. While all of those people are great joys and blessings in my life my greatest joy is much more simpler.
MAY 2019 Outlook + Camera Giveaway
The year is slowly passing us by and we are starting a fresh month. April was very difficult for me both personally and professionally. I had hoped to refocus my attention. While that did happen I also ran into so many issues. Issues that have now be worked out. There are some days that I…
Jewelry From Sureway Digital Mall
I love jewelry! well, sometimes I love jewelry. I will admit that I use to be the woman that never left the house with out all of her jewelry on. Now, I’m a little more functional on a day to day basis. However I do like to wear certain pieces with certain outfits. That is…
Playing with Plasmart
Spring has arrived and we are spending more time in the yard. That means we spend time cleaning the yard as well. I love making sure that the kids get out there and play or even help a little. I can remember growing up that my father always made us go outside and just be…