I am a bath product fan. Actually that sentence is putting it mildly. I adore anything that has to do with baths. For me there is just something so relaxing about taking a bath. That is why I love trying new companies and products. Soap Cauldron is truly a unique and wonderful company to me….
Home Improvement: Bringing New Life Into Every Room
Every so often it can feel as though your home just doesn’t have the same atmosphere that it used to. What used to be warm and comforting now just feels kind of stale and uninviting. This is a pretty common thing that a lot of people find at some point, and it can be pretty…
Best Foot Care Practices for Individuals with Diabetes
According to the Joslin Diabetes Center, one in four people with diabetes will develop a foot complication that requires medical attention. When diabetes is not properly managed, nerve damage may develop in the feet, causing difficulty in noticing cuts or wounds. Additionally, consistently high blood glucose levels may reduce blood flow to the feet and…
Never Leave Home Without It!
The year before last I learned a valuable lesson about not having a charger with me. I was stuck at the hospital without my cell phone because it died and there was no charger in my purse. I could make a local call but my mother was a state away and I wasn’t able to…
Hands-Free Breastpump from Simple Wishes
Now before you all go…. “What! I thought Rita’s kids were all too old for breast feeding.” They are but I have several nieces and nephews (as well as cousins) who are not. So when Simple Wishes came to me about a review and giveaway I knew I could still handle this. I will of…
8 Businesses You Can Start from Home
The days of women staying home to look after their husbands and children are long gone. While many women still make the choice to do that, the choice is theirs to make. Many other women choose to return to work once they have had children, to contribute financially and regain some independence. However, these women…
Could a Career in Marketing be Right for You?
Marketing used to be one of many industries that were dominated by men. This is no longer the case. More women than ever are choosing to follow this exciting career path. It offers great flexibility, as well as the option to work from home. Here are some of the great reasons to consider a career…
Get Moving with TomTom Touch
I have been attempting to move more although I will say that this stomach flu has got me down. In an effort to help myself with that I knew I need a tool that would show me how much I am moving. So when TomTom told me they thought their TomTom Touch was perfect I said…
Five Big Tips for Handling Long-Term Guests on a Budget
If you’ve ever had to deal with long-term guests, you know that there are tons of hidden hassles. However, that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try to accommodate out visitors the best we can, should we? For example, let’s say you have visitors for any of the following circumstances: Visiting in-laws for the holidays Friends…
Oh the Cuteness! Princess Awesome is Truly Awesome!!
I came across Princess Awesome not too long ago and knew it was a company that I had to work with. That happens sometimes and when they agreed to work with me I was thrilled. I love cute clothes and cute clothes for the girls is always a plus. Of course, they do have…